Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1448: He won't kill her (3)

She hurriedly hit KO with her body, trying to disrupt his shooting.

But KO seemed to have a third eye, grabbed her by his arm, and pulled her over.

"Do you want to watch him fall into the meat sauce so much? Come on!"

"Don't!" Mu Xiaoxiao shouted in panic.

But it was too late to stop, and the bullet flew out. This time, it accurately hit Jun Zeye's position holding the rope.

Forced by the situation, Jun Zeye can only hit bullets if he does not let go.

But if he let go, he would just fall.

At this time, Junzano Matsuri gave up.

Mu Xiao's eyes widened in horror, "Don't—"

Will fall to death!

After Jun Zeye fell down for less than a second, he yanked the hem of the rope ladder.

The pain caused by the gravity falling makes the palm hot.

But he did not let go again, gritted his teeth, and climbed up again.

KO snorted twice and looked very admired, "It's not dead, life is really tough!"

But no matter how hard life is, is it too hard for a bullet?

He didn't believe anyone could die a bullet hard.

KO is obviously addicted to play and wants to continue playing, but Mu Xiaoxiao suddenly begged him, "No! Please don't! Please let him go, OK?"

"Why should I let him go?" KO looked at her with a smile.

Mu Xiaoxiao pursed her lips. "I don't know what your purpose is to catch me, but you want to catch me alive? If you dare to kill him, then ... then I will jump from here!"

KO narrowed his eyes, glanced at Jun Zeye below, and seemed a little puzzled, and said, "I remember, your man doesn't seem to be him, right? You can kill him for him? What are you and him? relationship?"

"I'm a friend with him!" Mu Xiaoxiao replied.

KO laughed, as if he had heard a joke, "Friend? Can a friend let you do this for him? Do you think I can believe it?"

"Believe it or not!" Mu Xiaoxiao glared at him, saying that although she was a little afraid of this lunatic, she only wanted to save Jun Zeye at this time.

The reason why Jun Zeye climbed this rope ladder is also to save her?

How could she watch him fall dead.

She can't do it.

Unexpectedly, KO nodded and said, "OK, I believe."

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at him in shock, always felt that his smile was strange and looked bad.

"Let's play a game?" KO said with a smile. "Anyway, I have to shoot this shot. If I don't shoot, I will be uncomfortable. Or ... hit you? "

Mu Xiaoxiao took a sigh of relief, his face pale.

"You choose quickly, otherwise, I will help you choose." KO teased her expression.

However, this man is a lunatic. Who knows what is true and false in his words, is it really teasing, or does she really let her choose? Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't judge.

Her mind was all confused.

What should I do?

Her lips were shaking slightly.

"1,2,3 ..." KO started counting badly.

"I ..." Mu Xiao's small face looked at him almost pale, and her body shuddered. She thought for a moment, thinking that he should not kill her, otherwise it would not be so troublesome Catch her?

However, this person is crazy, who knows what will happen to him.

Gritting his teeth, Mu Xiaoxiao closed her eyes and decided to gamble, "Choose me!"

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