Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1450: I must find your account (1)

"Of course I know!" Feng Shengyang looked agitated and yelled at him.

Feng Tianqi was only concerned about the small safety, so he didn't notice this.

He shakes off his brother's hand.

Feng Shengyang glanced at the helicopter that had disappeared, holding him, and said angrily, "Do you want to catch up, do you have wings?"

Feng Tianqi said angrily, "I don't have wings, but I want to help Xiao Xiao, isn't it? She is my friend! How can I watch her get arrested? She must be scared now! "

Feng Shengyang sighed, "I know you are worried about her. It is not impossible to save Xiaoxiao, but you also have to find a way, not as reckless as you."

He glanced up at Yin Shaoyan, who was pale in front of him.

Feng Tianqi hurriedly asked, "Do you have a way to save the little one? How to save it? Tell me quickly!"

"Go back and talk." Feng Shengyang dragged him.

Feng Tianqi had to go with him.

Feng Shengyang looked anxious. He walked and called, but the call didn't go through.

His face was gloomy and he murmured secretly.

Feng Tianqi just found his expression strange, and asked, "Brother, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay." Feng Shengyang shook his head and glanced at the fans who were chasing him around, frowned, and said, "Don't follow me."

The fans footstepped, thinking that he lost the game and was in a bad mood, so no one dared to keep up.

After getting in the nanny car, Feng Shengyang made another call.

But still nowhere, he was so angry that he smashed his phone on the sofa.

Feng Tianqi rarely saw his brother lose his temper like this, so he couldn't help but ask again, "Brother, are you worried about being small?"

Wind Saint Young paused and nodded, "Um."

But he is not the same as his worry ...

Feng Sheng looked out the window and sighed silently.

If something goes wrong this time, he is also responsible ...


The student council managed the order. Some students were scratched by the falling glass and arranged to be sent to the hospital.

No one dared to approach Yin Shaoyan. His face was extremely ugly, like Satan from hell, which made people look daunting.

Han Qiqing and Song Shijun also paused before they went forward.

"Yin ... Yin Shaoxing, what now? What about grabbing the little man, was it the last robber? That man is a lunatic! Misery, will Xiao be ..." Han Qiqing said worriedly.

Song Shijun dragged her hand underneath, begging her to stop talking.

He said to Yin Shaojie, "Let's call the police first. I will let my dad send all the police forces in City A to find it, and I will definitely find it soon!"

Yin Shaojie just finished making phone calls and put away her mobile phone, her face was dark and gloomy.

"I have called a helicopter to search."

It's just that the other party has been flying away for a while, plus the other party is a sly character like KO, I am afraid that even the target cannot be found.

Yin Shaojiu's hand dangled tightly into a fist.

He said, "The only good news is that KO should not hurt little, but ... the bad news is that we don't know what he wants to do."

As Qi Qing said, the man was completely mad and could not reason about his actions with normal logic.

So what is the purpose of KO grabbing Xiaoxiao, no one can guess.

Han Qiqing listened to him and said that he would not harm Xiaoxiao, so he felt relieved.

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