Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1468: What is he doing? (3)

Yin Shaojiao circled her waist, ironed her with her body temperature, and nodded, "OK."

The helicopter parked to the side of the open space, and he took her to the plane.

Feng Shengyang stood in place, watching in silence the helicopter that was going away.


The helicopter parked directly on top of the apartment.

It's already late.

Han Qiqing and Song Shijun did not leave, and have been waiting in the apartment, waiting for the news of Yin Shaoji.

Song Shijun looked at listless Han Qiqing and asked, "Qiqing, are you hungry? I'll ask someone to bring you something to eat, right?"

They have been worrying about the little ones, and they haven't even eaten dinner. It's over eleven o'clock now.

Han Qiqing shook his head and said he had no appetite. "I'm not hungry. If you are hungry, you can eat it."

Song Shijun sighed, "I know you're worried about small safety, but you have to eat yourself. What if you're hungry?"

"I don't want to eat." Han Qiqing's expression was dull, and Xiao Xiao was taken away by that lunatic. She didn't know what to do, so how could she have an appetite to eat?

She suddenly looked at Song Shijun and asked worriedly, "Would that crazy man not give Xiao Xiaofan what to do if he is hungry?"

Song Shijun was helpless, "Can you take care of your own belly first?"

He wasn't worried about Xiaoxiao, but he believed in Yin Shaojie even more, and Yin Shaojiao would rescue Xiaoxiao even if he died.

Han Qiqing hugged the pillow and turned a deaf ear to his words.

She seemed to be deliberately trying to keep up with the sky, saying, "If the little one does not come back, then I will not eat! I will wait for the little one to come back and confirm that she is safe before I eat."

Song Shijun took her for granted, and continued to persuade him, "If Xiaoxiao is fine, I don't want you to starve your stomach."

This girl, do you think she is stupid?

Han Qiqing glared at him angrily, "Do n’t you bother me? You are annoying! You said you do n’t want to eat anymore, you can eat it if you want to eat it, I don't want to eat it, that's it!"

As the minute passed, her anxiety grew.

She was really worried about what the lunatic would do to Xiaoxiao. Her mind couldn't help thinking wildly, thinking of those terrible possibilities, how could she settle down in her heart, and how could she have an appetite to eat?

Of course, she knew that Song Shijun was good for herself, and she shouldn't yell at him.

But she's really in a bad mood right now, so annoying.

Song Shijun looked at the mist of water in her eyes, and didn't care about her getting angry with herself.

"Okay, do n’t eat if you do n’t eat, then I'll go and see what's in the refrigerator. If there is milk, give you a bottle of milk, okay?"

Song Shijun followed her and walked over to the kitchen to flip the refrigerator.

Han Qiqing bowed her head and looked at her empty stomach, but she was really hungry, but she really had no appetite.

At this moment, there was a sudden noise over the door.

The next second, the door opened.

Han Qiqing suddenly stood up and looked at Mu Xiaoxiao, who was stepped in by Yin Shaoyan, and his eyes suddenly turned red.

"Little!" She cried as she ran.

Mu Xiaoxiao wondered if she was there, a little surprised, "Qi Qing?"

Han Qiqing ran over and wanted to hug her, but there was no such thing as Yin Shaoyin's copper wall and iron wall, so he had no choice.

"Little, are you okay?" She asked.

Mu Xiaoxiao smiled, "I'm fine, I'm fine, don't worry."

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