Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1471: She won't lie to him (2)

"What's this?" He asked, his voice a little bit heavy, his fingers touching it.

The dark eyes were a little darker.

"What?" Mu Xiaoxiao was puzzled and reached out a hand.

Yin Shaoxian's gaze turned to her little face and asked, "Before I came, you followed him ..."

Before he finished asking, Mu Xiaoxiao raised his eyes and looked at him, "What do you mean by this? Don't you doubt what I did with Jun Zeye?"

She released him and reached for her phone.

Looking at the selfie function, there was an ambiguous red mark on the right side of his neck, which looked like a kiss mark.

She frowned and rubbed her fingers.

"Maybe it was bitten by some bug." She tried hard to remember, but couldn't remember anything. The process of escaping with Jun Zeye was too nervous, just thinking not to be caught, and other things were naturally ignored.

Yin Shaojie said in a deep voice, "It doesn't look like a bug bite."

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at him with a depressed face. "Then how do I know how to get it, maybe ... it was cut by the grass when I ran away."

She just said, "Don't you doubt what I did with Jun Zeye?" It was just a joke, but when I looked at Yin Shaojie, I thought it was really doubtful.

Looking at Yin Shao's face with a handsome face, Mu Xiaoxiao suddenly felt that he could not understand him.

She poked at his hand. "What are you thinking?"

Does he really doubt her and Jun Zeye?

Think about how much jealous this guy is, Mu Xiaoxiao thinks it's not impossible.

As soon as I wanted to explain, I heard Yin Shaoji said, "I didn't think of anything. It may have been cut by the grass. You sit and I'll get some medicine and wipe it for you."

With that said, he got up and went over to the cabinet.

Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't see his expression.

When he came back, it seemed like everything was back to normal.

She looked confused, did she think wrong? Did he just doubt her?

Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head and thought that he was too tired to think too much.

According to Yin Shaojie's character, if he is jealous, he will definitely say it directly and ask her to explain it, so he won't be bored.

Yin Shaojiu took out the ointment, Mu Xiaoxiao stretched his neck and he applied her medicine.

The atmosphere is quiet.

Mu Xiao was weird, but he couldn't tell where it was strange.

"Okay, pay attention next time, don't hurt yourself. Is there any injuries? Show me." Yin Shaojiu put the ointment on the table, lowered her head, and rolled up the trouser tube of her pajamas And wanted to see if she was injured elsewhere.

Sure enough, her leg was almost scarred, apparently she was cut by those sharp grass when she ran away.

Perhaps the red marks on her neck were also caused by this.

Yin Shaoji knows that this possibility is very high and Xiaoxiao won't lie to him.

But what he thought, his eyes were still heavy.

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't notice when he was just taking a bath. He felt pain when he applied the medicine.

When she heard the painful snoring, Yin Shaozhen moved a lot softer, and quickly wiped every wound.

"Hand," he said.

Mu Xiaoxiao was very cooperative this time, and he rolled up his sleeves.

Sure enough, there were some scars on the arm, and one or two bruises, which should have been caused by people holding on hard.

Yin Shaojie looked up, her dark eyes looked at her little face a few times and said, "It's okay to not hurt my face."

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