Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1475: For Azer (2)

Originally, Mu Xiaoxiao was not full, but he was only half full, and he still had appetite to eat up all these foods.

But now she has no desire to eat.

"Well, shall we go back to the room first?" She knew that this matter had to be made clear to him, but this was not the place to speak.

Yin Shaowu glanced at the breakfast in front of her, "Eat first."

Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head. "I'm full."

"You're not full, continue to eat." Yin Shaoxian suddenly a little domineering.

Mu Xiaoxiao was a little shy. Since the two were together, he has rarely spoken to her in such a domineering tone.

She pursed her lips without picking up chopsticks.

Yin Shao said to her, "You take a few bites, and you will soon be hungry."

Think he didn't know her? It's a snack, how can I just eat it, how can she be full.

Besides, it's almost noon now, which is equivalent to having lunch with lunch.

Mu Xiaoxiao knew he was concerned about himself and was afraid he was hungry, so he picked up the pancake fruit and continued to bite.

Even if they disagree, he is still so good to her.

Yin Shaojiu also peeled an egg for her and put it on the plate in front of her. "Aren't you going to eat eggs? Eat them, eat them enough, so you don't have to cry when you wait for the flight."

Mu Xiaoxiao's hand, he still did not give up, do you have to take her to the United States?

"Why?" She said in a sullen tone, and some of the appetite that had been revived disappeared.

"What?" Yin Shaoji asked.

Mu Xiaoxiao pursed his lips and looked at him and said, "Why do you insist on going to the United States? Isn't it good to stay in the country?"

"No," Yin Shaoxing replied, with an undeniable strength in his tone.

Mu Xiaoxiao frowned and said dissatisfied, "You are too overbearing! Mother Yin also said, this is my birthday, I am the most important thing to be happy."

Yin Shaojie didn't answer, pointed to the eggs on the plate and said, "Hurry up."

Mu Xiao glared at him, knowing that he deliberately pretended not to hear.

But after listening to him, he picked up the eggs and ate.

She is obedient, can he soften a little?

After eating the eggs, she went on to say, "Anyway, I don't want to go to the United States, I want to stay in the country."

She simply showed her attitude. If he still insists on going to the United States, then he will go alone!

Of course, she didn't say the last word.

If such words are spoken, it really becomes a quarrel.

She didn't want to fight with him.

Yin Shaojiu dragged a wet paper towel to wipe her hands, and her black eyes stared at her, and said, "Then why do you have to stay in the country? Why don't you want to go to the United States? Or, who did you stay for?"

Obviously, the last sentence is the point.

Mu Xiaoxiao had a bit of a snack, and felt like he was seen through.

The guy's eyes were too sharp, and staring at him made him feel that nothing could fool him.

Mu Xiaoxiao stopped talking and ate with his head down, thinking about what to say by the way.

After a while, she was full and looked up at him.

"Okay, I tell you why."

If he wanted an answer, she told him.

She also knew in her heart that she had to convince Yin Shaojie, otherwise this stalemate would always be bad, and maybe she would be taken to the plane as a result.

Yin Shaojie looked at her.

Mu Xiaoxiao pushed up his chair and reached out to him.

Yin Shaojie looked at her flattering gesture, her eyes softened, and she held her little hand.

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