Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1480: Is it fate? (3)

Because he was wet on the other side of the shoulder, she almost touched the whole person and hugged him to get the other side. Her posture was quite hard.

"Why is it so wet, it's not too rainy," Mu Xiaoxiao muttered, wiping it carefully.

Yin Shaojiu stared at her small face.

The heater was on at home, and the temperature outside was very low, so when she came out, her little face was red with the cold wind, which looked cute and delicious.

"Okay." She finished wiping, ready to pull back.

Suddenly, a dark shadow pressed down, and her lips were kissed by him.

Mu Xiaoxiao first froze, then sweetened, and the next second, remembering that this was the car, the driver uncle looked in front of it.

She quickly pushed him away and stared at him shamefully, "You steal my tofu!"

"How can tofu be sweet?" Yin Shaoxing laughed.

Mu Xiaoxiao stared at the driver in front of Yu Guang, always feeling that the driver's uncle seemed to be laughing, must have seen it from the rearview mirror?

She embarrassedly reached out and patted Yin Shaoyu.

"Stop it!"

Yin Shaojie disapproved, glanced at the driver and said, "Drive, go to the hospital."

The driver nodded and the car started.

Mu Xiaoxiao was relieved, but he didn't find the devil staring at her, with a black smile in his eyes.

The next second, the demon rushed up and hugged her.

"Hey! What the hell! Don't bother if you said it all." Mu Xiaoxiao rushed to break away from him.

Is this guy intentional?

Knowing that a driver was watching, he still did!

Yin Shaoji pinched her chin and forced her to open her mouth slightly, and then his thin lips stuck up.

"Yin Shao ... hey!" She blocked her last word, only feeling that a fiery tongue entangled her like a dexterous snake.

Mu Xiaoxiao had no choice but to kiss him.

When he finally let go of her, her little mouth turned red.

Mu Xiaoxiao was kissed softly and could only stare at him.

"Do you like being watched so much? Asshole ..."

Yin Shaoji laughed and squeezed the tip of her little nose. "Who is watching?"

"Driver!" Mu Xiaoxiao pointed to the front, and his eyes paused, only to find out that the middle partition did not know when it was lowered.

She couldn't see the driver in front.

In other words, the driver in front couldn't see her.

"Oh? When ..." She asked, looking at Xian Yin Shao.

Yin Shaojiu put her thin lips together, kissed the tip of her nose and said, "Fool, how can I let people see you faintly kissed by me."

Mu Xiaoxiao flushed her cheeks, "You did it on purpose!"

Yin Shao smiled ambiguously, her long arms clasped her thin waist, placed her niche on the back seat, and the warm breath surrounded her.

"This car's sound insulation is very good. No matter what we do in the back, nobody in front can hear it. Would you like to try it?"

Then, the thief's hand quietly touched her hem.

"No! Pervert!" Mu Xiao shrugged his hands against his chest, preventing him from approaching again.

In such a small space, the male hormones emanating from him seemed to make the heart beat faster.

Yin Shao narrowed his eyes and smiled wickedly, "Car shock, try it."

"Try yours!" Mu Xiaoxiao bit his red lips, and his fists rubbed his chest.

Yin Shaojie looked a little disappointed. "Well, I will let you go this time, but if there is no one next time, you can't refuse me."

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