Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1488: Burn the gun and fire (3)

He did n’t know what was going on. Usually he did n’t burn his gun without firing his gun. But today, there was an unusual impulse. I really wanted to, and wanted to take her as my own. It seemed that this was the only way to prove myself completely. The land owns her so that she is her own.

No one can take it away.

Mu Xiao's voice called softly, "Well ..."

"Huh?" Yin Shaoxu's voice was low, dumb, and even more magnetic. It was just such a word, but it was incredibly charming.

Mu Xiaoxiao paused. He wanted to stop him.

But hearing his voice made her all ...

Although the middle partition was put down, the back seat was equivalent to a private space and there was no need to worry about sound insulation, but as long as she thought of the driver sitting in front of her, she was so embarrassed by such a short distance.

Yin Shaoyan took a deep breath, and then suppressed the fire slightly.

But he still didn't let go of her.

"Let me hold it for a while." The hand pressed on one part didn't move.

He wouldn't let her go like this if he didn't consider it outside.

He snorted, biting her ear and saying, "When you go back at night, you have to compensate me."

At least continue to do it.

In fact, at this time, Yin Shaojie had no intention to go to any appointment, but just wanted to hurry back to the apartment and be alone with her.

He simply said, "You don't know where to go anyway, let's go back to the apartment."

Mu Xiaoxiao also returned to God, glanced at him, and of course knew what he was thinking.

"Who doesn't know where to go, give me your cell phone, I'll check it." She still leaned in his arms, spreading his small hand in front of him.

Yin Shaojiu took out her mobile phone from the dark bag inside the coat and handed it to her.

Mu Xiaoxiao motioned for him to let go of his hand.

Yin Shaoxu reluctantly let go, but still wrapped her hands around her waist, letting her close to herself.

He bowed his head and buried it in her neck.

Mu Xiaoxiao searched, and the dating places written on the Internet are nothing more than movie theater restaurants and amusement parks.

"Nothing special," she said, depressed.

Yin Shaoxuan glanced, "You pull down a bit and look at this picture."

The above seems to be a screenshot of a play.

The general meaning is that the location of the date is not important, what is important is the date.

One more thing, dating is a behavior that couples want to meet, so as long as two people are together, dating is everything.

Mu Xiaoxiao laughed, "Well, I agree with this view."

Pulling down, some people recommended some dating venues, a very chic restaurant with coffee on the table, and desserts that looked delicious.

There are theme restaurants, beaches, music bars, and couple movie theaters ...

Yin Shaoji said, "This couple's movie theater is good. Would you like to go?"

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at the photo he was referring to. The so-called couple movie theater is a movie theater with only two people. It is a very high-end movie theater.

He thought she didn't know what he was thinking?

He just burnt his gun and set off. If he really goes to this couple movie theater with him, then he must not become a hungry wolf and throw her a little lamb?

"Weekend market, flea market ... This is good, it seems very interesting." Mu Xiaoxiao quickly shifted the topic and offered another opinion.

Yin Shaojiu frowned slightly, shaking his head to disagree.

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