Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1494: I will take care of it (1)

Mu Xiaoxiao and Yin Shaojie had fun and sweet there, so they didn't realize it.

But those sitting in front of An An's heart noticed it.

Liang Zihao frowned, and stretched out his hand in front of An Xinxin, and shook unpleasantly, "Hey, what are you looking at? You don't look at your boyfriend, which man?"

"No, no!" An Anxin wanted to hide, but his voice was a little flustered, and she was lying obviously when she heard it.

Liang Zihao shook his lips. "I want to see, which man makes you look so fascinated."

The look he had just reassured was in his eyes, and a man who was slightly obsessed with a slightly obsessed look.

Anxie saw that he was going to turn around and hurriedly reached out to stop him, "Don't watch! No, I really don't see anyone, I just watch when the waiter comes over with water, I'm so thirsty, Zihao, thank you You brought me here for a date, and I really like it. "

"Just like it, rest assured, you will be my girlfriend in the future, and I will let you go to a more upscale place." Liang Zihao said, his eyes narrowed, and he stared at her eyes. My girlfriend is half-hearted about me, if you have someone else in your heart ... "

"No, no! How can it be! I have only you in my heart." An Anxin quickly denied, smiling at him sweetly, holding his hand on the table, and holding his fingers intimately.

The two looked at each other, lovingly.

Liang Zihao enjoyed her loving eyes, and was satisfied.

He crossed the table with the other hand, raised her jaw and said, "You remember to me, you are my Liang Zihao's woman. You are not allowed to see other men. Do you hear me?"

An An smiled sweetly and nodded, "I heard."

Liang Zihao nodded.

At this moment, the mother and child sitting behind him, the child didn't know what caused him to cry.

Liang Zihao felt irritable and raised his hand to call the waiter.

"They are too noisy, tell them to go out!"

The waiter was embarrassed. "This ... how can this be, wait a minute, I'll ask the situation, maybe the child is uncomfortable before crying."

The mother heard Liang Zihao's words, her expression was a little embarrassed, but she also felt sorry and tried to comfort her child.

Finally, the child stopped crying.

The waiter was relieved, and thoughtfully brought a child pudding over.

The mother was so moved and thanked again and again.


On the other side, Mu Xiaoxiao and Yin Shaojie didn't know what was going on and they laughed slightly.

An Anxin ordered herself not to look past, but there was a feeling of congestion in her heart, so that her vision was not controlled, she always looked subconsciously over there, looking at the closeness of the two people.

The feeling of envy or jealousy fermented in the chest cavity and was sour.

Although her eyes only flashed, she was captured by Liang Zihao.

"Who the **** are you looking at? Is there any man who is handsomer than yours?"

Liang Zihao was dissatisfied, and this time he ignored the anxiety to stop him and looked back.

The sight was almost directly attracted to the table of Yin Shaoyu and Mu Xiaoxiao.

Because in the entire coffee shop, everyone's eyes are betting in the same direction.

At that table, the handsomeness of the man was extraordinary, and the beauty and elegance of the woman were really pleasing to the eye.

There are more than just couples in the cafe, there are others.

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