Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1501: He is very bad (4)

This guy is so bad, right? Hang her appetite.

Yin Shao walked out of the cafe with her.

Compared to the morning rain and rain, the sun is shining and the light haloes in the air.

"Hello, don't you say? What exactly were you thinking?" Mu Xiaoxiao continued to urge. His eyes just made her care, and she always thought it was important.

Yin Shao pinched her pretty thin lips and put it in her ear, her magnetic voice was like a subwoofer. "I was just thinking, what will our daughter look like? It must be more cute than that little girl just now."

Mu Xiaoxiao smiled sweetly, "Of course it is! My daughter, after all, has my genes, and of course she looks good. Well, if I say, it must be the cutest in the world!"

Yin Shaoxu suddenly reached out and pinched her cheek.

"What are you doing!" Mu Xiaoxiao glanced at him.

Yin Shaojie smiled. "I want to see how thick your cheek is. Hey, it's really thick."

Mu Xiaoxiao murmured and patted his hand vigorously.

"Did I say wrong?"

She warned him with his eyes, he should nod and try!

Yin Shaojie pulled her into her arms and kissed her uncontrollably. "Of course it is, our daughter, of course, the cutest in the world! Then ... wife, when should we give birth earlier? ? "

Mu Xiaoxiao, "..."

This guy is too cunning, can actually lead the topic to this.

Yin Shaojiu took her shoulders and seduced, "Think about it, if we give birth earlier, we can see our lovely daughter earlier, right? Of course, we have not only a daughter, but also a son. Have more births! "

"Do you treat me as a sow?" Mu Xiaoxiao complained.

Yin Shaojii smiled, her long fingers provoked her jaw, stared at her eyes and said, "I'm a treasure in your heart."

"It's pretty much the same." Mu Xiaoxiao recovered his smile.

"Well, where shall we go next for a date?" Yin Shaoyan simply wrapped her hands around her shoulders, and wrapped her whole body in her arms.

"let me see……"

Mu Xiaoxiaowu's eyes rolled around and landed on the public bicycle on the side of the road.

She flipped the corner of her mouth and pointed her finger, "Let's ride this!"

Not far away is a green belt that allows everyone to walk around the lake.


The two had a happy date for a day, and it was already evening to get home.

Mu Xiaoxiao remembered his cell phone and went into the room to find it.

Plug in the charger, charge it for a while, and wait for her to look back at the phone, only to find a text message in the phone.

It was from a strange number.

The number belongs to the Imperial City.

who is it?

Just want to click into the text message, the phone rang, the caller ID is Feng Tianqi's name.

Mu Xiaoxiao answered without thinking.


"Xiaoxiao, why didn't you come to school today? Last night ... Are you okay? Sorry, I already know what my brother did." Feng Tian Qiman said apologetically.

"It's okay, I'm fine." Mu Xiaoxiao laughed. Although she was angry with the wind, she also knew that Feng Tianqi was innocent, so she would not anger him.

Feng Tianqi hesitated and said, "Little, are you ... free now? Can you come to my house, no, it's where my brother lives, he ... the situation is very bad."

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