Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1514: I like you (1)

In the bar, the gorgeous and colorful lights reflected on Feng Shengyang's face through the glass. The ordinary evil and masculine face had deep eyes, but at the moment was a little serious.

After he said these words quietly, he just felt an inexplicable hot feeling in his heart.

It was something he had never felt before.

I like you……

He has said a lot of sweet words, but it seems that he has never said these words in a serious way.

To him, the phrase 'I like you' is a child's statement, which is a bit naive.

After Feng Shengyang finished speaking, he didn't realize he was holding his breath.

On the cell phone, he just paused for two seconds, but he felt like it was a long time.

"You're boring." Mu Xiaoxiao groaned in disgust, without much emotion in his tone, apparently taking his words as a joke.

"I like you."

Feng Shengyang didn't know what was going on, and blurted out again.

"You're bored." Mu Xiaoxiao continued to confuse.

"I like you."

His voice was a little deeper.

"You are very boring." Mu Xiaoxiao groaned silently, this time hang up directly, do not want to listen to another drunk ghost saying boring words.

Feng Shengyang stared deeply into the front.

Obviously the call has been hung up, but he still maintains the posture of listening to the call.

He was facing the air, but he seemed to be speaking to someone, his voice deep.

"I seem to like you ..."


Yin family, in the living room.

Mu Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes and hung up her phone, completely ignoring what Feng Shengyang had just said to her.

This man has always been smooth-spoken, especially sweet words, and he just slaps at random, only to blame him.

Yin Shaojiu narrowed his eyes and looked at her and asked, "Who called?"

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at him, gave up, and finally confessed, "Feng Sheng Yang slightly, I ignored him."

What did she say, did he hear it?

"What did he say?" Yin Shaojie realized that things were not so simple.

"This guy is drunk, and I said nothing to me at all." Mu Xiaoxiao groaned, not intending to continue talking.

But Yin Shaoji asked, "What did he say?"

Mu Xiaoxiao paused for a while, and still confessed, "He's so boring. He likes me, who believes him!"

Yin Shaojiu's eyebrows frowned, and she groaned.

Doesn't this girl know that when a man is drunk, is it the most real time to speak?

However, she didn't believe it would be better.

Mu Xiaoxiao glanced at his expression, and asked carefully, "You ... won't be jealous, right? He just talked arbitrarily, and it wasn't the first time I heard him say that. In this way, only those simple girls will fall into his trap, and I will not be so stupid. "

People like Feng Shengyang have seen a lot in the United States and have long been immune.

Yin Shaojie made it clear to her that she reached out and said to her, "Give me my cellphone."

Mu Xiaoxiao obediently passed the phone.

Unsurprisingly, she pulled the number just now.

Yin Shaoji looked up at her, "Is this his phone number? You didn't save his name before?"

Mu Xiaoxiao said frankly, "Yes, this is not his mobile phone number, it may be borrowed by others."

But she was also surprised that she didn't pull Heifeng Shengyang's number at all. Why did he call her with someone else's cell phone, did he think she had blackened him?

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