Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1528: Her little wild cat (3)

She turned around and urged him.

"Take off your clothes quickly, the water is full."

There was a gurgling sound behind him, as if he was taking off his pants.

In Mu's small mind, he could not help but emerge from below ...

His voice suddenly sounded in his ear, "Do you think about it?"

Mu Xiaoxiao was startled, as if frightened, and shook his head in a hurry, "No! You are neurotic, I don't want to touch you ..."

That word really made her speechless.

Yin Shaojie chuckled, and his tall body came up from behind, if she was next to her back.

"What touched me? What do you think I said?" He leaned down and spoke in her ear, his voice dumb.


She tensed her hand to the side nervously and was shaken by him, and then she turned strongly and faced him.

"Ah!" Mu Xiaoxiao closed her eyes suddenly, as if she was afraid she shouldn't see them.

Her little hand tightened tightly, but he was pulled hard by him.

The next second, a finger touched a hot object, and the palm of his hand was opened and attached to it.

Uh ...

Can clearly feel the frequency of the heartbeat.

"I'm talking about touching here, what do you think?" He smiled wickedly.

Just when Mu Xiaoxiaogang was relieved, he suddenly took her hand and touched it down.

"Still, what do you want to touch here?"

"Ah!" Mu Xiaoxiao drew a sigh of relief, his small hand yanked back, but it seemed as if he had touched a place that should not be touched.

Because she heard it, Yin Shaojii seemed to beep.

The next second, Yin Shaojie let go of her and turned towards the bathtub.

"Hurry up here!" He urged.

Mu Xiaoxiao slowly opened a gap, carefully confirming that he was not in front of him, and then opened his eyes.

She moved to the bathtub and squatted by the bathtub.

"How do you want to wipe you?" She asked, intending to make a quick decision, wipe it casually, and she was ready to run away, and could not stay in such a dangerous place.

"You can wipe it directly with your hands, or with a towel." Yin Shaojie, like an uncle, spreads her hands and lays on the edge of the bathtub.

Mu Xiaoxiao ripped off the towel from the horizontal frame, hesitated looking at his back.

You have to get wet to wipe it?

"There are shower gels," Yin Shaoji reminded, a faint smile in her voice.

Although he turned his back on her, he seemed to see her embarrassed at the moment.

Mu Xiaoxiao tangled, looked at the bathtub, hesitated to reach out and put the towel in the bathtub to get wet?

She was too lazy to walk over to the sink.

Gritting her teeth, the towel was pulled over, and she just wanted to take it back with a little water, but no one knew her wrist was caught.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"I ... I just want to wet the towel ..." What did he think she wanted to do?

"I thought you wanted to ..." Yin Shaoyi's smile was a little ambiguous.

Mu Xiaoxiao's ear warmed slightly, "I didn't think of anything!"

It was all his own imagination.

As long as he is alone with him, this guy's thinking has not left everything.

The towel was wet, she squeezed the shower gel, put it on his back and started rubbing.

His eyes inevitably saw his broad and strong back, with a scar or two on it, not very clear, as if some years old.

Asked him before, he said he fell.

Mu Xiaoxiao was thinking about something, his face was close together, staring at his scar, he looked very seriously.

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