Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1534: One lie after another (5)

The air was silent, and after the winter, there were fewer calls from insects, as if they had fallen asleep like people on the bed.

Yin Shaojie's finger moved slightly and tapped into the call log.

The latest record is indeed Han Qiqing's name.


Yin Shaojiu's deep eyes fell on the talk time, not the time when he ran out of the bathroom before.

In other words, there was another phone call that she deleted.

She lied to him ...

If Qi Qing had just called, she wouldn't have to delete the call log at all.

She deleted it because she was afraid he would see it, right?

Why would he be afraid to see him?

Apparently she didn't want him to know who called her.

Yin Shaojiu's eyes were as deep as black holes, and the stars inside seemed to have fallen, leaving only a thick black.

The air seemed to become thin all of a sudden, making him feel stuffy in his chest.

At this moment, there was a slight noise in the room.

It was Mu Xiaoxiao who turned over.

Yin Shaoxing passed inertially, still able to clearly recognize her figure in the dark, even if he could not see her expression, he seemed to know that she was sleeping peacefully at this moment.

Somehow, every move, every smile, was carved into his heart.

But for her?

He cut out the home screen of the phone and clicked elsewhere to take a look.

WeChat is nothing strange.

He clicked into the text message, and Yin Shaoyan's eyes fell on the second text message.

The name comment is "Jun".

Click into the text message, the content is very short.

——About my identity, if you feel embarrassed, you can choose to tell him.

Yin Shaojiu's dark eyes were slightly narrow, like a deep pond, there was a faint storm brewing.


The night is already deep and deep.

At this time, the imperial capital.

Jun Zeye stepped out of the closed interrogation room, and Ning Ruyan followed behind him in silence.

Out of the guarded area, Ning Ruyan finally spoke, and couldn't help but curse, "Specially, this KO mouth is really hard, all fell into our hands, and still refuse to say anything!"

As a KO, I've been in contact with big brothers on the road, especially in the area of ​​drug dealers. KO's face is very wide.

Jun Zeye looked absent-minded and looked up at the hanging moon.

The air in the imperial capital has always been bad.

But today is rare, the moonlight is bright.

Ning Ruyan said indignantly, "If you can't ask any more, I think I will use a photosensitizer!"

When Jun Zeye heard this, he frowned at him, "This is against the rules."

A life-stimulating agent cannot be easily used even if it is forced to confess.

Ning Ruyan knows of course, but he is not a law-abiding person, in his opinion, as long as he can kill those drug dealers, even if some unconventional methods are used?

Only when I came into contact with this area did I know how many ordinary people's homes had been destroyed.

"A person like KO, you know very well, as long as he refuses to say, then he will never say it. We have exhausted all torture, and we have no effect on him. What can we do now? Do you want to give up? "

Can get a lot of information from KO, just this point, Ning Ruyan could not give up.

Ning Ruyan was getting more and more angry, and kicked to the trash can beside him.

Fortunately, the trash cans were strong enough to remain intact.

"I know." Jun Zeye glanced at him and responded softly.

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