Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1536: One lie after another (7)

"Stop!" Ning Ruyan couldn't help raising his hand and stopped him from saying, "Are these usages as good as normal people?"

Normal people use their mobile phones to use Weibo, send friends, chat on WeChat, watch videos or something?

No one likes to use his phone so high-end.

For Jun Zeye, a smartphone is nothing more than a portable computer.

Ning Ruyan also convinced him that he didn't want to talk to him about this topic.

"How come you suddenly thought of using WeChat? Before we all advised you, you said nothing." He couldn't help but wonder.

Jun Zeye turned to look outside, "Just suddenly thought."

The car stopped in their old place.

Ning Ruyan got out of the car, reached out to him and said, "Then give me your mobile phone, and I will help you register."

Jun Zeye glanced down at the palm of his hand and didn't do it. He just said, "I'll do it yourself, just tell me what to do."

They found a place to sit and ordered something to eat.

"You download a WeChat first, and then click Register, you want to register a mobile number ..."

While listening to him, Jun Zeye quickly registered a WeChat account.

"Add me, add me." Ning Ruyan urged, pointed out the WeChat QR code and put it in front of him. "You can just scan this."

Jun Zeye did not pass the phone.

Ning Ruyan looked puzzled, "You sweep, why don't you sweep?"

"I don't want to add you," Jun Zeye said without a face.

Ning Ruyan, "..."


"You don't add anyone, so why did you open WeChat?" Expressed extreme dissatisfaction.

"Who says I don't add anyone? I just don't add you." Jun Zeye said bluntly.

After being violently hit, Ning Ruyan was aggrieved, "Why not add me? I'm your good brother, but you didn't add me when you opened WeChat? Who do you want to add?"

Jun Zeye said, "You are too noisy."

"You ..." Ning Ruyan was irrefutable by his sentence, "Okay, I promise you, you add me, I won't make you noise, OK?"

"I don't believe it." Jun Zeye fiddled with his phone, his black eyes fixed on the screen, and clicked into his friend.

Ning Ruyan couldn't help curiosity, and probed over to see who he wanted to add.

"Who the **** are you adding? Girl?"

Just as the waiter delivered the food, Jun Zeye picked up a small dumpling and stuffed it into his mouth. "Aren't you hungry? Eat it."

Ning Ruyan said hummingly, "You don't want to say, then I just guessed, who would it be? I think about it ... I know! Mu Xiaoxiao! It must be her? You have been special with her recently It ’s different. In the interrogation room, you went to another room to call. Would n’t she call her? Did she ask you to have WeChat? So you thought of opening WeChat, right? ”

I have to say that Ning Ruyan is very active in thinking and guesses very accurately.

Jun Zeye again picked up a small dumpling and stuffed it into his mouth. "Eat."

Ning Ru sighed, "I really didn't expect that one day I would experience the taste of" light color and light friend "on you."

Really mixed feelings!

Jun Zeye fiddled with the phone, then frowned, "Why not?"

"Why not? Are you adding friends?" Ning Ruyan ate and glanced over.

Jun Zeye pursed his lips, and then looked at him and said, "It seems that no one can be added."

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