Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1549: One lie after another (20)

Yin Shaojie took a mobile phone and just glanced casually.

Mu Xiaoxiao was frightened.

Flutter, flutter, flutter ...

Heart beating.

Fortunately, Yin Shaojie didn't have any doubts about the phrase “go get clothes”, just glanced over, closed WeChat, and turned to the mobile phone screen.

Mu Xiaoxiao was sitting on a needle felt and wanted to get her phone back, but she didn't dare to speak.

Yin Shaojie nodded casually in her cell phone.

Just like that, she clicked into the album.

Mu Xiaoxiao was in a hurry, and hurried to stop, "Oh! Don't look here!"

Yin Shaoyan's eyes lightly moved, "Why not show me? What's in the album?"

He was in a bad mood last night and didn't look elsewhere, so he didn't look at her photo album.

Whose photo is hidden in her album?

"It's nothing ... it's ..." Mu Xiaoxiao shrugged off and said shamefully, "It's just some selfies! Girls all have these, don't watch it, it's hard to feel good about it"

"Really?" Yin Shaojie had other suspicions, poked his finger, and clicked into the album.

Mu Xiaoxiao had no time to stop.

Yin Shaojiu's long fingers slide forward, looking at the photos inside.

Indeed, as she said, there are many selfies in various cute poses.

Mu Xiaosha blushed, reaching out to grab the phone, "Don't watch! Give me the phone!"

Yin Shaojiu grinned at the corner of his mouth, "It looks good, why don't you let me see it? Well, this shot is good, send it to me."

With that said, I opened a photo and enlarged it.

With a look of looking for a hole drill, Mu Xiaoxiao rushed to grab his finger.

"Give me it! Yin Shaojie! Give me back your phone!"

"No, I haven't finished watching it yet." He took advantage of his long hand to keep her from touching her phone, and then sent that photo to her WeChat.

"Well, this one is also good, I like it."

Turning up again, I saw a unique selfie and sent it to WeChat.

Mu Xiaoxiao is about to cry.

Such things as selfies are just for fun. It doesn't matter if you look at it yourself. If you let others watch it, you will be embarrassed to die.

"Yin Shaojie! Do you know what privacy means? Don't read it again! Give me your phone back! Asshole!"

Mu Xiaoxiao no matter what the image was, he hurriedly rushed into his arms, trying every means to grab the mobile phone.

However, she has short hands!

In addition, Yin Shaoyi's movements are so flexible, he suddenly changed to his left hand, and suddenly turned into his right hand, like magic.

Mu Xiaoxiao was turned around by him, not to mention robbing the phone, the phone case could not be touched.

"You're so nervous, wouldn't you ... take a picture ... naked ... a picture?" Yin Shaoji teased and continued to look forward.

"No! You think everyone is as narcissistic as you!"

"I don't believe it!" Yin Shaoyi countered, "Well, look at your selfies so much, are you sorry that I am narcissistic?"

"Which girl doesn't like selfies, selfies don't mean narcissism!" Mu Xiaoxiao argued for herself, she didn't notice that her chest was tightly against his chest.

At this time, the mobile phone rang and it was a WeChat notification.

Is it what Han Qiqing sent?

Mu Xiaoxiao said a moment.

Yin Shaojiu took down the phone and clicked directly into WeChat.

The new message is to have a new friend.

Click in.

The avatar is the original picture, and the name is just a ‘ze’.

Yin Shao frowned.


Could it be ...

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