Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1558: One lie after another (29)

When Feng Tianqi heard it, her eyes widened erratically, apparently she didn't expect Brother to tell her like this.

"Why? Why should I apologize to her? She was so cruel! I didn't treat me as a friend at all! I don't want to, I don't want to apologize to her, why?"

Mu Xiaoxiao talked to him like that, and it was she who was right to apologize.

Feng Shengyang's face was calm, and he scolded him, "Did you forget what you said to me before?"

"What?" Feng Tianqi was a little puzzled and couldn't help but look at him.

Feng Shengyang seemed to remember something interesting, and he pulled the corner of his mouth lightly, pointed to his cheek, and said, "When you punched me, what did you say?"

"I ..." reminded him, Feng Tianqi remembered.

Feng Shengyang said, "You said, how scared she will be, she must be scared now. Yes, you are right. She was taken away by the KO lunatic, she will be scared. She has experienced it. What, how scared, we do n’t know, then why do we want her to forgive me easily? This is my fault, and I should bear the consequences, even if she will never forgive me ... "

"Brother ..." Feng Tianqi shouted, and fell into silence, thinking of this paragraph of brother.

Indeed, he turned his mind to his brother and forgot to think about small psychological thoughts.

Feng Shengyang said to him, "You taught me so righteously before, even I dared to think, now you can't figure it out?"

"Well, I was wrong ..." Feng Tianqi is not a person who has no wrongs, especially in front of his brother.


Feng Tianqi's face was awkward. "I just had a fight with her, so I asked my head to admit that I couldn't do it."

He wants face too.

This makes him very shameless, okay?

Feng Shengyang stood up, walked to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, and took out the beer.

"I just told you to apologize just after the quarrel." He turned around and glanced at Feng Tianqi, as if scolding him stupidly.

Feng Tianqi pursed her lips, and the expression on Jun's face was a little tight. "Then she was wrong, and I should be angry."

He couldn't pull his face to ask him to apologize now.

"What's wrong with her?" Feng Shengyang glanced at him dissatisfied. "You care about this with a girl? Feng Tianqi, do you have any gentlemanliness? Is that what I teach you?"

No, brother is angry!

However, Feng Tianqi looked at the brother who had other emotions, and was happy, indicating that he was recovering.

Feng Tianqi sat on the single sofa, looked away, and dared not meet him.

"I don't want to go anyway ... so shameless ..."

He was all angry and ran out, and asked him to go back, and asked him to apologize to Xiaoxiao?

That's too shameful!

No, no, he can't do such a shame.

Feng Shengyang said, "You are angry because you think she doesn't consider you a friend. Have you ever thought about it, would you fight with her like this, with a small character, would she be happy? She must be unhappy now, and she too I don't want to fight with you. "

Feng Tian Qi paused, thinking about what he said.

Xiaoxiao, like him, is a person who values ​​feelings. It is because of feelings that he quarrels more and is more concerned and angry.

He was so angry and upset himself, what about the little one?

Feng Shengyang said to him, "Go back to school now and apologize to Xiaoxiao."

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