Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1819: Attention is not ordinary heavy (2)

He's so forgetful, right?

"I don't think it's necessary to remember people who don't matter." Yin Shaoxi said indifferently, as if he didn't care what Jiang Ranxi was.

Just chatted?

This sentence caught Mu's attention.

"This Jiang Ranxi, is it ... the school flower of No. 1 Middle School?"

Song Shijun snapped his fingers and responded, "Yes! It is really impossible to talk about people during the day. When Cao Cao is mentioned, Cao Cao arrives. Why is she so clever? She is also in this shop."

"That ..." The manager hesitated, but still spoke, explaining, "Miss Jiang has come to the store these two days."

This makes Song Shijun even more puzzled.

He touched his chin and said, "Isn't it close to this restaurant in the middle of the first? Why is she okay to run here for dinner?"


Couldn't it be that their store is delicious?

What made him answer.

As soon as I heard it was the school flower of the No.1 Middle School, Mu Xiaoxiao had recovered a good mood, and it was a little bad.

This is too coincidental, it happened.

She glanced at Yin Shaojiu next to her, and pursed her lips.

Yin Shaowu glanced at the red wine in the manager's hand, and said indifferently, "Send the red wine, we don't drink."

Seeing that the atmosphere wasn't right, the manager was very understandable and quickly left.

"Let's eat." Yin Shaoji said, just like Mu Xia did not happen, he gave Mu Xiaoxiao a piece of fish.

"I don't want to eat fish." Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head, no smile on his pretty face.

Yin Shaojie was helpless, "I said, I don't remember her."

"I'm not angry, why are you telling me this?" Mu Xiaoxiao pretended to be okay, and twitched her mouth and smiled.

Yin Shao frowned and squeezed her cheek. "Don't laugh like that."

He didn't like to see her smile.

In front of him, she didn't need any disguise.

When you are happy, you are happy, when you are not happy, you are angry, when you are angry, you lose your temper.

This is his little.

Mu Xiaoxiao bulged his cheeks and gave him a sideways glance, not smiling. He was bulging, sandwiched a piece of sushi, accidentally stained a lot of wasabi, put it in his mouth, and his tears fell down all at once.

"If you get angry with me, just get angry with me, don't torture yourself." Yin Shaojie was helpless, poured her juice and handed it to her.

Mu Xiaoxiao listened to his words, his mouth narrowed, and he dropped the chopsticks.

"Okay, then I torture you, and you eat a piece of it, and you have to dip a lot of wasabi."

Yin Shaojii smiled, and did not have any sense of resistance, so she reached out her chopsticks, sandwiched a sushi, and in the soy sauce dish she just touched, she had a lot of wasabi.

As soon as you turn your wrist, sushi will be in your mouth.

"Don't eat it!" Mu Xiaoxiao quickly held his hand.

She was just mad for a moment, not really wanting him to suffer this kind of crime.

"It's okay." Yin Shaojie pushed away her hand and quickly put the sushi with a large pile of wasabi in her mouth.

The unique smell of wasabi rushed up.

Yin Shaojiao frowned, holding back, and swallowed the sushi quickly.

Mu Xiaoxiao quickly passed him his juice.

Asking worriedly, "Are you okay?"

Yin Shaojie finished eating sushi, took a sip of fruit juice, and smiled at her.

Not bad ... you!

Mu Xiaoxiao's dejected air on her chest was half unconsciously.

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