Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1830: The car is so small and uncomfortable is you (1)

When Yin Shaojie said this sentence, there was no affectionate style, but his eyes were so soft, as if thinking of his beloved girl, his black eyes would glow as soft as water.

The onlookers looked at each other, apparently being bothered by his words.

They looked at Mu Xiaoxiao, who was not far away, a little embarrassed.

Yin Shaoyi's words made him change from the image of a scumbag just to a lover of love.

Think about it.

This guy is so handsome, how could he never have a few girlfriends. Now that he has encountered true love, he is also very sympathetic to his current girlfriend, and is ruthless to his ex-girlfriend. He does n’t want to have any stubbornness. Said to be doing great.

Think of it this way, the onlookers lose their positions.

Thinking that they didn't know the truth just now, they even said that they were Jang Nan and Xiao San, and they were even more ashamed.

The women who had comforted her around Jiang Ranxi had subconsciously separated a distance to the side.

And Jiang Ranxi had a complexion.

She noticed how the others looked at her, from the beginning sympathy and compassion, became ...

The look was piercing into her heart.

This is a stigma that Jiang Ranxi has never suffered, making her anxious to find a hole to drill in.

Her hands on her sides clenched slowly, shaking tremblingly.

Yin Shaojii stopped talking and turned back to Mu Xiaoxiao, took her hand affectionately, and took her away from here.

Mu Xiaoxiao smiled warmly.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

Yin Shaoji said, "Don't you say find a place to sit and wait for Qiqing to come out? What do you want to eat? Just find a shop."

"Then ice cream." Mu Xiaoxiao pointed to the shop in front.

"Let's go." Yin Shaojiao took her, walking relaxedly and comfortably, as if betting behind her sight was nothing.

Arrived at the ice cream parlor.

The two sat down and Mu Xiaoxiao looked at him as he flipped through the directory.

"You looked so handsome just now!" She said happily.

She was a little angry at first, but because of what he just said, she let her lose everything.

Yin Shaoyi's big hand covered her small hand, and rubbed her back with her fingers.

He chuckled, and black eyes looked at her as if seeing through her mood.

"Just so happy?"

Mu Xiaoxiao laughed and said nothing.

Yin Shaojie looked at her and stopped talking.

Sweet bubbles are floating in the air.

it is more than words.

He doesn't care what other people say about him, but can't tolerate others treating Xiao Xiao as Xiao Xiao.

She was the treasure he held in his palm, and he would take care of it even if he fell, how could she make her feel that way.

Nothing is allowed.

Twenty minutes passed.

Han Qiqing sent WeChat.

——Little, have you finished watching it? I came out with Shijun and found a place to sit and wait for you.

After a while, Mu Xiaoxiao responded.

-Lift up your cranium and look at the front.

Mu Xiaoxiao saw Han Qiqing walking towards him from a distance and waved at her.

Han Qiqing looked up, saw it, and jumped happily.

"Why did you finish watching so quickly?"

Mu Xiaoxiao smiled, and did not intend to talk about what had just happened, lest Han Qiqing be angry, and it would not be good to run to Jiang Ranxi.

"Does the movie you watch look good?" She changed the subject.

Han Qiqing nodded, opened his chair and sat next to Mu Xiaoxiao, and said, "It's pretty, what about yours?"

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