Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1840: Show you a good show (3)

Master Zhao didn't do it, so angry that his eyes were red, he stepped on the accelerator and chased the distance back.

"Yo yo yo--"

The woman in the car screamed with excitement.

Mu Xiaoxiao frowned, and heard the sharp decibels across the two cars.

"Can't shake them off?" She asked.

Yin Shaoji said very calmly, "Not in a hurry."

After coming out of the curve, Master Zhao began to look for a chance to hit Yin Shaoxi again.

It looked mad but was just caught off guard by Yin Shaojie.

Yin Shaojie's car was unusually flexible and did not let him rub a bit.

Two cars, like playing the game of chasing after you, twirling on the mountain road.

Mu Xiaoxiao grasped the handle on her head, and her body could only twist around.

It feels like riding a roller coaster.

After another curve, Yin Shaozhu looked at her sideways and asked with concern, "Is it all right?"

Mu Xiaosha shook his head, his expression was normal.

"It's okay. Fortunately, I don't get motion sickness, otherwise this way of roller coaster, people who have motion sickness must cry.

Compared to the thrilling last time, the car this time is like a house for children.

Yin Shaojie is like teasing a dog.

After driving about halfway, Mu Xiaoxiao discovered what he was looking at and asked Yin Shaoqi strangely, "How do you feel that the speed is a lot slower? What's wrong?"

Compared to the very fast start, the speed is now very slow.

Nothing like racing.

Yin Shaojie laughed badly, explaining, "I deliberately, every time I turn around, I slow down a bit, this fool will definitely slow down with me."

Mu Xiaoxiao admired, "You are too cunning!"

He knew that the upstart master would be unwilling to follow him in order to hit him once.

No wonder she didn't feel uncomfortable after driving for so long.

Although Shao Yin was going to avoid the fool's car, Yin Shaojiu was able to foresee the other party ’s movements, so he didn't avoid it suddenly, sitting in it just felt like riding a child's roller coaster.

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't feel any discomfort.

"Do you want to wait for the last leg and pass him again?" Her eyes lit up, speculating about his plans.

"Smart!" Yin Shaoyi gave her a kiss as a reward.

Mu Xiaoxiao smiled, "If there is an accident, what can you do if he can't pass him? His car looks good."

"Unexpected things don't appear to me."

Yin Shaojie spoke arrogantly.

Mu Xiaoxiao propped his chin, staring at him with big eyes like black grapes.

Seeing his self-confidence and pride, he was really handsome.

No wonder those women just went crazy for him.

After a while, Yin Shaoxi looked at her and reminded him, "Sit tight."

Mu Xiaoxiao quickly grabbed the handle on it.

This is the last corner.

Yin Shaojie stepped on the accelerator violently, speeded up to two hundred in three seconds, and turned at an extremely fast speed.

Master Zhao had wanted to hit him at the opportunity, but he was unexpectedly hit by such a sudden force, and he almost ran into the mountain.

By the time the other side reacted, Yin Shao's car had disappeared into the other's sight.

"Damn!" Master Zhao looked somber and scolded a curse.

He also started to speed up.

However, it is no longer possible to catch up.

Especially the person he chased was the God of War who had never lost.

The outcome can be imagined.

When Yin Shaojiao's car crossed the finish line, Master Shao was still a hundred meters away.

A burst of shouting was a yell at the winner.

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