Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1861: Yin Shaojie and father fell into the water at the same time (4)

——Little, have you come to school? I brought you a cake. Wait for us to skip the class and go to the student union. Would you like to discuss the dress of the Christmas ball?

Mu Xiaoxiao smiled and responded to her.

——Okay, let ’s go to the Student Union directly.

She didn't know what was wrong with her. She couldn't see Yin Shaojie in the morning, and she was so anxious that she didn't attend class, so she wanted to go to him first.

I wanted to call him, but after thinking about it, I decided to vent his anger in person.

Han Qiqing didn't expect her to reply so quickly and was very happy.

——I will go out now, see you later.

— Well, see you later.

Mu Xiaoxiao put away the cell phone, and kept pressing the impulse to call Yin Shaoji.

Her mood is so weird today that she can't figure it out by herself.

Was it affected by that nightmare?

Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head.

It's just a nightmare, don't think about it.

But it's also very depressing. How can I have such an inexplicable dream?


Student Union Building.

Outside the chairman's office.

When several members of the Student Union passed, someone sniffed and found a strange smell in the air.

"What's this smell?" The man asked curiously.

This sentence caused other people's ideas.

"What smell? Is there any smell?"

Several other people sniffed it and found that it really smelled.

The front is their president's office.

"It seems ... the smell of smoke?" A boy analyzed, apparently familiar with the taste.

The others looked at each other and looked at the chairman's office next to them.

"Uh, is the chairman here?"

But no one dared to go up and knock.

"It seems ... come on, right? Who I heard just now, the president came early today."

"So is the president smoking inside?"

This conclusion surprised everyone.

One of the girls shook her head and vetoed, "No, why does the president smoke?"

"The president smokes, but only rarely."

The girl said, "It's normal for boys to smoke, but now it's early in the morning, why would the president smoke in the office? So it won't be, it might be the smell from outside."

Someone squatted down and got under the door slit, as if to stick to the ground and smell it.

Speaking stupidly, "It seems that the taste really came from the chairman's office ..."

The girl was also shaken, "Is the president really smoking?"

Early in the morning, smoking in the office makes it hard to stop speculating.

Several people looked at each other.

Someone said cautiously, "Will the president be in a bad mood?"

The president is in a bad mood, and the bad ones are their subordinates.

Someone stunned, "No matter how bad the president was before, I never saw him smoking, but this time ... how bad is he?

The others looked at each other again, all nervous.

"Oh, don't guess at it. Be careful to hear that, let's go."

Someone returned to God and hurriedly pushed them away.

In the morning, everything was so quiet.

Their conversation also clearly passed into Yin Shao's ears in the room.

As their guess, there was a haze of smoke in the room.

Yin Shaojiao's long fingers held the smoke, and his dark eyes stared out the window deeply.

He left a note for Xiaoxiao, saying that her dad had called her last night.

I wonder if she called her dad.

in case……

If he said to her, let her not go back to America ...

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