Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1868: If I let you stay (3)

"Is he deliberately not answering my phone?" Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help guessing wildly.

Han Qiqing said, "How come, maybe it's a meeting? At this time, the whole person is very messy, so don't just guess it. Let's wait for the student union and talk to him directly."

Mu Xiaoxiao said with a sullen face, "He will bring a cell phone even if he has a meeting. He used to call me during a meeting."

Han Qiqing smiled bitterly, "Don't you know? We are not allowed to bring mobile phones at the meeting, but ... Yin Shaoyu made an exception for you again and again."

"I know ..." How could Mu Xiaoxiao not know how good Yin Shaozhen treats her.

Because of this, she is more tangled.

She didn't want to leave Yin Shaoxi alone to attend the Christmas ball.

She didn't want to see Yin Shaojiu join other girls in a Christmas ball.

In private, she wanted Yin Shaoji to accompany her back to the United States ...

She always feels that no matter where she goes, Yin Shaojiu will accompany her and will accommodate her.

At this time, the waiter held the cake and put it on the table.

"Your cake is ready."

Mu Xiaoxiao could smell the fresh and scented milk scent, but at this time she could not attract her slightest interest.

"Qiqing, let's go to the student union."


Han Qiqing hurriedly paid, and the two of them hurried to the gate of the school, carrying the cake they had bought.

Mu Xiaoxian was anxious, and called Yin Shaoxing several times, but he still didn't answer.

Suntech's campus is too big.

The two of them were short legs again, and they ran out of breath after a while.

"Little! It's faster!" Han Qiqing pointed at the security patrol car and ordered the other person to take them to the student union building.

The two got in the car and the security recognized the two.

One is Han Jiaqian of the four major families.

One is a well-known, uncle girlfriend.

So I didn't dare to neglect, and obediently took them to the Student Union Building.

Immediately after arriving at the door, the patrol car had not stopped yet, and Mu Xiaoxiao could not wait, and flew in after getting out of the car.

"Little, wait for me!"

Han Qiqing was two steps slow and could only call her behind.

Mu Xiaoxiao was so anxious at this time that she didn't hear her shout, and kept running forward, went up the stairs, and ran to Yin Shaojiao's office.

At the door, the door was locked. She pushed it and did not open.

"Yin Shaoxing!" She patted the door impatiently.

Han Qiqing caught up panting and said intermittently, "The meeting and conference room are over there ..."

Mu Xiaoxiao ran in the direction she was pointing.

Regardless of the situation inside, he pushed in the door.

"Yin Shaoxing!"

In the conference room, it really was a meeting.

Mu Xiaoxiao broke in suddenly like this, and immediately became the focus of attention.

Everyone stopped talking and bet on her with all eyes.

Han Qiqing also caught up behind him, almost rushing to Mu Xiao's back without stopping.

"Little ..." She poked at Little's back.

Mu Xiaoxiao had only Yin Shaoyan in his eyes, as if he couldn't see anyone else, and asked him, "Why ... why didn't you answer my call? I'm looking for you in a hurry."

She was still breathing.

In a quiet atmosphere, the panting sound was clear.

Mu Xiaoxiao was embarrassed at once, slowly adjusted her breath and eased down.

She looked at Yin Shaojie and found that he frowned slightly, not knowing that she had broken in suddenly.

She said stupidly, "Then ... you have a meeting first, I'll wait for you at the door of the office."

After speaking, she retreated.

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