Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1882: When his dance partner (1)

Yin Shaojie was silent and did not answer his words.

Although he had chosen to let Xiaoxiao go to the United States, he still had regrets.

He wanted to give her a grand proposal, and in the attention of everyone, let everyone in Suntech know that her Mu Xiaoxiao was his and he was her.

He even thought about how happy she would be when she found the surprise.

However, everything is gone.

When all the fantasy bubbles were pierced, he was naturally uncomfortable.

That's why he strongly opposed her going back to the United States, because he really wanted to surprise her.

It's not just because he has spent so much time in it.

More importantly, this surprise, she will love it, and will become one of her best memories.

However, the two had an argument.

He later thought, if this surprise was to make her sad, would it be meaningless?

Force her to stay, and when she accepts the surprise, it will not be his expected reaction.

So he chose to make her happy.

Well, his proposal was to make her happy and to make her memories.

If this memory becomes unpleasant, it deviates from his original purpose.

Although he really wanted her to accompany herself to the Christmas ball, he also understood that Xiao Xiao is a person who values ​​commitment and that person is the most important family member in her heart. It is understandable that she wants to go back with her of.

So she did nothing wrong.

Song Shijun observed his expression with Yu Guang, sighed, and still asked incredulously, "Really? Are you so generous?"

"Um." Yin Shaojie didn't want to talk about it. As soon as she mentioned it, she felt uncontrollable.

He was never an indecisive person. He always took things up and put them down.

But just so, the little girl can always change him.

Yin Shaojiu couldn't help shaking his head and smiled.

Forget it, it's all decided.

Also said to let her return to the United States.

What else can I do?

Song Shijun supported his head with his hands and shook his head, saying, "What about the prepared things? Those flowers will be shipped by air tomorrow, but they cost a lot of money! They should not be cancelled now."

Can't help sighing.

The flowers of an airplane were delivered by special plane.

The money spent here is really shocking to see the Arabic numbers alone.

It really is rich and willful!

"It's okay, just send it without cancellation. The venue also needs to be arranged anyway." Yin Shaoxing said softly, and quickly got a new plan.

Song Shijun said, "So many flowers don't need much light arrangement."

The venue is large, but it cannot be arranged into a sea of ​​flowers, right?

Yin Shaoyi groaned and said, "This Christmas ball was co-operated with our first school. So, the remaining flowers will be distributed to the girls at that time, one for each person, which is a Christmas gift."

"It's really full of use!" Song Shijun had to give him such a good idea.


Song Shijun smiled and ridiculed, "If the little one knew that the flowers you had transported from abroad would be prepared for her to marry him, but would eventually be given to other girls, would she be furious?"

As a boy, he feels so angry.

After all, it cost a lot of money!

Song Shijun thought about the amount and covered his heart, feeling pain.

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