Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1888: Did you agree? (3)

Mu Xiaoxiao hurriedly comforted her, "Yes, it will succeed. You have to try it before you know if it will succeed, don't be discouraged!"

Han Qiqing smiled, "Uh-huh, so I also want to try."

"Qi Qing, you don't always have to think about helping me. I'm fine. You also know how good Yin Shaozhen treats me. Even if I'm not there, he won't find someone else to be a dance partner. I still trust him very much." Mu Xiaoxiao said.

"I know this, but what about the opening dance? He can't really ask Shi Jun to dance? This time, it's not only our school, but also the one in the middle school." Han Qiqing was worried.

The cooperation between the two schools is about the reputation of the school.

And this kind of thing is done well, the reputation is increased by one point, but if it is not done, it must be reduced by ten.

Mu Xiaoxiao leaned back on the back of the leather chair, and also had a headache. She supported her forehead and said, "I don't know what to do. If Xiao Meng is still there, I can still ask her for help."

However, Ye Sijue may not be willing yet.

This guy is not so big.

Han Qiqing said, "It's okay. If we think about it, we can think of another way."

I used to think it was a dead end. There was no best of both worlds.

But Xiaoxiao still thought of this way?

Therefore, we must think of other ways.

Mu Xiaoxiao was depressed, lying on the table again, and said dullly, "I want to fly to the United States tonight, so ... I must think of a solution before tonight."

If she can't think of a solution, she won't be able to fly to the United States with peace of mind.

Han Qiqing stubbornly said, "Otherwise ... I'll just do the opening dance with Yin Shaojie, it's just the opening dance anyway."

"No." Mu Xiaoxiao vetoed it decisively. "As a starter, you need to make some preparations in advance? What if you walk away and let other girls get caught up in Lu Yichen? Maybe he feels annoyed and leave."

Although she is not clear about Han Qiqing's whole plan.

But I can guess that Qi Qing is going to follow Lu Yichen all the time.

For one thing, other girls can't be taken in.

Second, it can make others misunderstand that she is Lu Yichen's female companion.

If Qi Qing walks away, the plan will easily change.

So when Qi Qing just said, he was so hesitant about his tone.

Han Qiqing sobbed and said, "What should I do? I can't think of other ways ..."

There is less hate in smart business!

She remembered the thought of IQ.

"That's right! Let's ask Shijun for help, there is a think tank, maybe we can think of other ways."

Although Han Qiqing usually likes voicing Song Shijun, Song Shijun has a high IQ, which is clear to her.

After all, in the official house, Song Shijun was sculpted by various IQs from an early age.

"Uh-huh, okay!" Mu Xiaoxiao said, "We still have to call Yin Shaojie together. The previous plan won't work. Tell him.

Han Qiqing said, "Then I'll go to Shijun first!"


The phone hung up, but Mu Xiaoxiao was worried, staring at the phone in a daze.

The previous solution was so perfect that the best of both worlds solved her two problems.

But now, it seems like everything is back to the origin.

Does she really have to endure Yin Shaojie dancing with other girls?

Just thinking of that picture, she felt sour bubbles in her heart.

Mu Xiaoxiao was lying on the table, with his hands extended forward, completely paralyzed.

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