Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1916: His partner can only be you (3)

She really didn't expect that to happen.

Why do those people think that Jiang Ranxi is more suitable as Yin Shaoyin's dance partner than her?


Han Qiqing sneered dismissively, "I dare to pack tickets, Jiang Ranxi must have found someone to brush the tickets! Otherwise, her votes would not be so high!"

Although Jiang Ranxi is the school flower of No.1 Middle School, it is not enough to stand in front of the beautiful and refined little one!

"Maybe it's true?" Mu Xiaoxiao asked.

Actually, she didn't care about the result.

What about high votes?

Yin Shaojie likes her. He belongs to her and belongs to her alone!

This is the point.

"How could it be true! What is she doing? That guy can't even match you on one toe, why is the number of votes higher than you? And, at first, your votes are much ahead of her, and in the middle she suddenly rush Come up, aren't you saying it's fake? "Han Qiqing said, and the more he said, the more he turned away.

Mu Xiaoxiao said indifferently, "I don't know about this, it's just a vote, regardless of it."

Han Qiqing was outraged, "But I'm still very angry! Another one said that you broke up with Yin Shaozhen. Do you know how many people voted? Jiucheng people! 90% of people said you broke up, and said ... Also said ... "

"What else to say?" Mu Xiaoxiao asked, seeing her so sloppy, it was abnormal, and the hidden words behind it must be more important.

Han Qiqing swaggered and said, "They said that Yin Shaoxing and Nag Ranxi had reunited ... It was such a stupid thing to believe that they believed it!"

They regrouped ...

Mu Xiaoxiao was uncomfortable listening to this sentence.

Although she knew that this was fake, Yin Shaojie would not betray her.

But people will be upset at hearing such words.

In addition, Yin Shaoyu actually agreed to let Jiang Ranxi be his dance partner, but he also kept it from her and didn't tell her.

Here is one more sin!

"Little? Why aren't you talking? Are you angry? Don't get angry first, Yin Shaojie and Jiang Ranxi are fine. Today, Jiang Ranxi came to the Student Union to find him, he ignored her, and heard it was ruthless Drive her out. "Han Qiqing worried about her and quickly explained.

Mu Xiao's novel, "I know they are nothing, I believe in you."

Han Qiqing paused, "So ... you're not angry? Yin Shaojiu is going to dance with other girls, or his ex-girlfriend, aren't you really angry?"

Even if the recombination is false, it is true that Jiang Ranxi became Yin Shaoxing's dance partner.

"Angry, how can you not be angry!" Mu Xiaoxiao said frankly, with a clear tone of anger.

"Yin Shaoxu this bastard, if he is in front of me now, I must strangle him!"

He promised such a thing, even if he didn't explain it to her.

Even if he was forced to do so, he told her to let her know the situation and she would understand.

Of course ... she still doesn't like Jiang Ranxi as his dance partner.

Why is Jiang Ranxi!

Mu Xiaoxiao was thinking about this, and his heart was boring.

Any girl, she probably is not so angry.

It must be Jiang Ranxi!

Han Qiqing heard how angry she was and calmed down, "Don't be angry, I also don't understand what Yin Shaoji is thinking, but Shijun keeps saying that Yin Shaoji has a reason, you must believe him, otherwise you hit Ask Yin Shaojie on the phone to see what is going on. "

Knowing the reason is better than being sullen.

"Good!" Mu Xiaoxiao said.

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