Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1920: Just trust me (3)

If he did, she would be even more unhappy.

Might as well tell her what started.

Han Qiqing sighed, "I don't understand then ... Little, what do you do now?"

"What else can I do? I don't know anymore." Mu Xiaoxiao stretched his waist, looked at the front door slowly approaching, and said to her, "I'm home, I feel a little sleepy, I'm going to bed first, And we need to adjust the jet lag. "

"Well, after a dozen hours of flight, you are also very tired. Go to rest."

Putting down her phone, Mu Xiaoxiao supported her chin and looked at the door of her house.

When the car drove in, she saw a familiar figure and stood in front of the building waiting for her.

"Dad!" She rejoiced, beckoning her father across the window.

do not care.

She is home now, and it is important to spend Christmas with her father.

Don't think about other things!



It's Christmas tonight.

The entire Suntech students were in a state of expectation, and no one was attentive to class.

On the other side, Jiang Ranxi also got a good dress group.

She is very dissatisfied.

"Sister Fangfang, why is it so different from the photos I sent you? It's not like the same skirt!"

The other side said silently, "Please! Do you know how expensive the personal customization of the brand is? I can achieve the same style and it is good. How can the same effect appear, other brands use the best chiffon fabrics, but also There are those broken diamonds, said to be broken diamonds, each of which is more than one or two carats of diamonds. The diamonds are set directly. How much is it here, and we use fake diamonds, can you compare? "

Jiang Ranxi listened, and her face sank.

Even if the style is the same, but the dress made by Yin Shaojiu to Mu Xiaoxiao is just under the sky.

Although she only glanced at it secretly.

But without contrast, there is no harm!

Seeing that stunning skirt, how did she accept this one?

She just wanted to throw it in the trash!

Looking at her black face, Sister Fang Fang was also displeased, "I came out late to rush to work, the details are not done, this is also no way, who made you so anxious! Do not forget, I bring gone."

"No, I want it, just like that, I will transfer the money back to you." Jiang Ranxi stopped her and left the dress skirt.

Although the quality is a little big, but it doesn't matter, the important thing is that they are couple models.

Yes, this is the most important thing!

Jiang Ranxi comforted herself, and tried her skirt.

If she hasn't seen the genuine one, she should be very satisfied with the dress in front of her.


People are like this. It's hard to accept inferiority after seeing the best.

Like her, she was once Yin Shao's girlfriend, and she couldn't help it. She only wanted him and never looked down on other boys.

Jiang Ranxi turned around in the mirror, admiring himself inside, fantasizing that he was wearing a couple's dress with Yin Shaoyu, and he was holding her dancing.

The sudden ringtone interrupted her fantasy.

She picked up her cell phone and saw a strange number.

"Hey, who?"

A female voice came from the cell phone and said, "Hello, is it Jiang Ranxi? I'm from the Suntech Student Union, and our president asked you to come over."

Jiang Ranxi froze, her heart full of surprises and unbelievable.

She also wondered if she heard it wrong, or was she dreaming?

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