Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1950: Want to have a baby with you (1)

Not only Yuan Yelin, but people other than Yin Shaojie were basically in a stunned state and looked at Mu Xiaoxiao and Mu Zhengbai strangely.

Who are these two people with oriental faces?

The most surprising thing is that the officer with a very high rank has a respectful attitude towards Mu Zhengbai.

The captain and others were trembling, feeling that the world was very fantasy.

Mu Xiaoxiao turned back and said to Mu Zhengbai worriedly, "Dad, I don't seem to be very comfortable."

Even if she just hugged Yin Shaojie and didn't see his too pale face, she could still detect his fault.

Mu Zhengbai looked over and said, "First go to the hospital."

He turned his head and said something to the officer.

The officer bowed his head and commanded his men.

The captain and his party were escorted and left this awe-inspiring military area.

They thought that they were going to be arrested for interrogation, all with a look of hardship, waiting for the upcoming torture.

However, they were sent to a private hospital for the most detailed examination.

Then it was released.

"You mean, we can go? We can really go?" The captain asked in disbelief, repeatedly.

There was no interrogation, no torture, and they were examined. They were not in good condition and were hospitalized. They could leave without any major problems. When did the M military become so friendly?

The man said, "Yes, you can go. If there is any inconvenience, we can also arrange a car."

"No, no, don't need it, we'll just leave by ourselves." The captain hurriedly refused, fearing that something would happen.

The group hurriedly left the hospital, forgetting the existence of Yuan Yelin, the boss.

VIP ward.

Yin Shaojie just finished the inspection.

He was out of luck, and was hit by a flying thing in the cabin when the plane was the most bumpy.

After the pain, before feeling anything, I felt that there might be a bag behind my head.

But now after getting off the plane, he just vomited.

Mu Xiao held his hand carefully, watched him drink a glass of glucose given by the doctor, and asked him, "Well, do you feel better?"

Yin Shaojie reached out and rubbed her face, and a pair of deep black eyes stared straight at her as if she could not see enough.

Seeing that he was just in a daze, Mu Xiaoxiao didn't answer himself, and was even more worried.

"Well, what's wrong with you? Are you uncomfortable?"

"No, I'm fine." Yin Shaoxi finally spoke, and after rubbing her cheek, she held her hand.

Mu Xiao's novel, "But you look pale, do you still feel sick?"

Yin Shaoxi laughed and looked at her and said, "You hug me, you won't feel bad."

When Mu Xiaoxiao was about to reach out and hug him, he saw Mu Zhengbai open the door and come in.

She retracted her hand.

"Dad, did your uncle's report come out? What did the doctor say? Is he all right?" She asked worriedly.

Mu Zhengbai held the report in his hand, walked in, looked at Yin Shaojie and said, "You have a concussion and need to be hospitalized for observation."

Mu Xiaoxiao frowned. "Is it serious?"

Yin Shaojie clenched her hand and said to Mu Zhengbai, "No, I think I'm fine. I don't need to stay in the hospital for observation, just go home and rest."

"Are you sure?" Mu Zhengbai asked him.

Yin Shaojiao nodded.

Mu Zhengbai agreed.

Yin Shaoyi lifted the quilt and got out of bed. When she was going to be discharged, the door of the ward was knocked twice.

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