Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1964: Just so autocratic (3)

Nemo said, "I want to know, do you want to know too? Let's go and see."

"No interest." Yin Shaojie continued to be indifferent.

Nemo is still trying to convince him, "Anyway you go back and stay alone in the vacant room, let's go and see if the situation is fine, isn't that source Yelin abnormal? Who knows what he will do to Caroline."

Yin Shao looked at him, ticked his lips, "Would you not like Caroline? She was so nervous."

Nemo spread his hands. "I can't help thinking of you like this, as long as you are willing to go, can you go?"

Yin Shaojie was annoyed by him and finally compromised.

"Up to half an hour."

Suddenly this guy is so positive that there must be his reason.

He didn't say, and Yin Shaojii didn't follow up.

Anyway, this guy can't help but speak out.

"Which direction?" Yin Shaoji asked.

Nemo was happy, took out her phone, looked at Caroline's location, and showed him the way.



Caroline looked at the bustling crowd in front, but did not expect Yuan Yelin to bring her here.

Yuan Yelin squatted down, looked at her in a wheelchair, and folded her scarf.

"Is it cold?" He asked with concern.

Caroline looked at him, "What are you doing here with me?"

Yuan Yelin raised his lips and said, "We thought it would make more sense to choose this place for our first date."

Caroline sneered, "Dating? May I follow you?"

And choosing such a fairy tale paradise that children like to come to, she really can't guess what he is thinking, just like she always can't understand him.

"Yes, I follow you. On the way, I have been thinking, where should we go for the first date? After thinking about many places, I finally decided to come here, where you want to come most." Yuan Yelin Hold her hand, hold it tightly.

Caroline felt the warmth of her palms, and she stunned, trying to break free.

This warmth made her panic and fear.

She was afraid she would miss ...

"Where do I want to be the most? When did I tell you that I want to be here?" She used cold words to disguise her true emotions.

Yuan Yelin hugged her from behind the wheelchair and said in her ear, "You forgot? Once you talked to me when you were a kid and said you were arrested and trained as a killer when you were very young. Every time I saw another kid When you come to Disney, you are very envious. "

Carolyn Weaton, didn't expect what he said accidentally, he remembered.

"It's all a lie to tell you a story, won't you believe it?"

Yuan Yelin chuckled and said slightly, "I believe, why don't you believe me? I know you want to come, remember one time, did we pass by Tokyo Disneyland? If you look at it, I can see it, you Would love to go in. "

Caroline tightened her hand on the wheelchair handle.

For the first time, she had panic that he saw through.

It turned out ... he had seen through her many things, but he didn't say it.

This man is terrible.

While seeing you, everything is hidden, and what he does, you can never guess.

Yuan Yelin released her and pushed the wheelchair forward in the back.

At this time, Snow White led by seven dwarfs and laughed around them. The seven dwarfs each gave a rose to her.

Caroline held seven roses and looked down, as if in a daze.

Yuan Yelin pulled her curly hair off her shoulders and lowered her head to ask her, "Do you want to wear that kind of skirt?"

Speaking, she gestured for Cinderella not far away.

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