Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1971: Little is waiting for him at home (2)

Don't these people know that this is dangerous?

But it was obviously not the first time that such a thing had happened.

What a junk!

The car with him seemed to see that he was Chinese and used a lot of abusive words.

Yin Shaobui lifted the corner of his mouth, glanced diagonally, and drew his hands on the steering wheel, and speeded up instantly.

Unfortunately, he is not driving a sports car, so the acceleration is not fast, and the speed is limited.

When the other party saw him speeding up, it was like hitting chicken blood and chasing after him.

Abusive, while trying to hit him with a car.

Yin Shaojie looked at the rearview mirror, did he use acceleration to avoid the attack of the opponent.

The car in front braked suddenly.

Yin Shaoyi slammed the steering wheel, the front of the car turned away to the limit, and hid.

If he was driving his own car, he would definitely hit the opponent's head with skill and let the other person roll over.

But he was driving a Mu family's car. If his car was damaged in some way, he was afraid that Xiaoxiao or Mu Zhengbai would ask him what happened.

He continued to chase the car behind him, accompanied by various abuses.

After a turn, there is a long straight ahead.

This group of drag racing cars have been modified, and the speed can be very high, so on the straight road, this kind of car driven by Yin Shaojie is disadvantaged.

Sure enough, after a while, two cars overtook and hit him left and right.

This group of people are really indomitable and hate him.

If it weren't for the fact that there are a lot of drag racing parties in the United States, Yin Shaojie would have to wonder who is dealing with himself.

Anyway, get away and talk.

Little is still waiting for him at home.

The two cars were pinching, and they kept trying to hit him.

Yin Shaojie is annoyed, what are these people doing!

At such high speeds, it is very easy to kill someone if you roll over.

Don't these people take their lives seriously?

In a critical situation, Yin Shaojie had to use only one brake to escape from the two cars.

The opponent was three cars, and the latter was trying to approach him.

Going straight all the way, and finally at the corner again, Yin Shaoyi skillfully threw away three cars.

As soon as he rushed out of the corner, a glare of lights came in front.

Yin Shaoji only felt that his head was buzzing, and his eyes were instantly dark.

Fortunately, he was calm enough and clenched the steering wheel.

Under the unknown ahead, he had to step on the brakes, the black car taxied for a while, and stopped on the road sideways.

Booming sound.

The three Dragoon cars surrounded him.

"Well!" Someone got out of the car in angrily, and he was holding something like a baseball bat in his hand, and a fierce approach came to him.

"Chinese boy, it looks expensive for you. Should you be rich? Take some money to spend."

The other party came down.

There were three or four rides in a car, and the three cars added up to a dozen people.

However, Yin Shaoxu looked at their eyes without fear.

This person, he did not solve the problem.

The cell phone rang.

He looked at it and called him a little bit. He should want to ask him where he is.

If she doesn't answer, she probably has to worry about death.

Yin Shaoji answered, with the usual tone and a little smile. She said before waiting for her to say, "I'm on my way and I'll be home soon."

"Do you drive yourself? Are you still dizzy?" Mu Xiaoxiao thought he was running out of obedience, still a little angry, "I told you to rest at home, you are not obedient, making me worry about death."

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