Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2004: I want to protect you (3)

While they were applying the medicine, a servant brought up the water, handed it to Yin Shaoyu, and said softly, "Master Yin, drink water."

Yin Shao paused. He was wearing sunglasses. Maybe the servant didn't know about his blindness.

Thinking about how to get the drinking glass so as not to appear stiff, the servant touched the glass to his hand.

He turned his wrist and held the glass before the servant's hand was pulled apart.

Yin Shaojie knew it.

Mu Zhengbai should have talked to people about his blindness.

After being forced to rub the medicine, Mu Xiaoxiao wrinkled his face and thought of something. He said to Mu Zhengbai, "Dad, if western medicine is not good, should you ask a Chinese medicine doctor to show me? I have been dizzy and headache. The second blindness was related to the previous concussion. "

Yin Shaojie was silent.

He also remembered that after he had been dazzled by the sun several times before, his eyes became dark for a moment.

And this time blindness, too, was stimulated by the strong light of the explosion, and then invisible.

Mu Zhengbai groaned and said, "Well, then I'll make a call."

The call was answered, and Mu Zhengbai explained the situation to the other party.

Who knows, the other side refused.

Mu Zhengbai frowned slightly and put his voice out so that Mu Xiaoxiao and Yin Shaojie could also hear.

On the mobile phone, the Chinese physician sneered, "No! This is what he asked for! He said that let him rest well at home, do you know what it means to rest well at home? Just don't go out, just at home, in bed, Lie down! The child understands this sentence, doesn't he understand? Anyway, I won't go, he's blind, what's the matter with me? "

Mu Xiao's eyes widened stupidly, "He, he ..."

She knew that the Chinese medicine practitioner was very personal, but did not expect such a personality.

Mu Zhengbai also wanted to persuade, who knows that the traditional Chinese doctor said, "Let him be blind for a few days, and then I will let it go, Mu Mu, I also look at you, otherwise this disobedient bear child, I I ’m too lazy to cure, that ’s it, sleep! ”

After that, I hung up.

Mu Zhengbai looked at Mu Xiaoxiao.

Mu Xiaoxiao was so angry, "How can he do this! What is blindness for a few days? Does he think blindness is fun? Does he think that he likes to be invisible? Does he know how scared he is when he is invisible ..."

Yin Shaojiu's hand was placed on her hand to stop her from going on.

"Well, don't get angry. The doctor said that it was only temporary blindness. It would be good to take a break. Maybe I would have a sleep tonight and see it tomorrow."

Mu Xiaoxiao hummed, "Yes! It will be fine tomorrow, so let's stop seeing Chinese medicine, we don't need him at all!"

It's too late, close to zero.

After Mu Xiaoqi was angry, he took Yin Shaojiao's hand upstairs and sent him to the room.

She looked out the door and closed the door quietly.

"Well, I'm here to sleep with you tonight to take care of you."

At Mu's house, her father was not as open-minded as Mother Yin to let them sleep in the same room, but to sleep separately.

If she let her father know that she would stay and sleep with Yin Shao, she would be angry.

But ... today is special!

She felt so distressed at the thought that Yin Shaozhen was temporarily blind and could see nothing. He didn't know how scared he would be.

Mu Xiaoxiao stepped up, hugged Yin Shaoyu, and put his face on his chest.

Yin Shao took a moment to push her away.

"Well, you can go back to your room and let your dad see. My third leg will be lost."

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