Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2015: I want you to break up (2)

Obviously, Mu Zhengbai bought him, the price will not be low.

Mu Xiaoxiao laughed, "Dad looks so good, you look good."

Yin Shaoji touched the surface and groaned, "Where is your father? I want to say thank you to him."

"Needless to say thank you, we are a family, okay, it ’s time for me to open the gift." Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't wait, scanned it in the gift heap, and locked it in a box about the same size as Yin Shaojiu had just taken on.

She smiled secretly, and looked at Yin Shaojie, "Will it be a couple watch with you?"

Yin Shaoyi thought about it and said, "This brand doesn't seem to be a female watch."

"It's hard to say. My dad will find a way."

Mu Xiaoxiao was even more convinced of Dad's ability.

Compared with Yin Shaojie's elegance, she opened the gift a lot rough.

Quickly unpacked, but the box inside looked ordinary, not like a watch.

Sure enough, open the box, not the watch.

Mu Xiaoxiao was disappointed. "Not a couple watch ..."

Yin Shaojiu followed her voice, reached out and fumbled to her head, and patted it gently, "It's all right, I'll go find someone to customize and be a couple.

Mu Xiaoxiao took out the gift in the box and shoved it into his arms.

"This gift is for men, it's yours."

Yin Shaojie laughed.

"I want to take another one!" Mu Xiaoxiao was so aggressive that he didn't dare to follow the trend. He rushed up and grabbed another gift.

The present is a bit big.

She guessed, why should it be a doll or something?

That's her gift.

Hopefully opened the gift box and opened it.

When he saw something inside, Mu Xiaoxiao's face broke down.

"Excessive ... it's your gift again. Dad is so biased. Why are you putting your gift, mine? I don't have a gift?"

Mu Xiaoxiao murmured, but she just talked, she didn't really care.

Seeing Dad so hurt Yin Shaojie, she was also happy.

Yin Shaojie was a little mistaken, "It's my gift again?"

Mu Xiaoxiao snorted, "I don't believe it anymore, there must be a gift for me! Just sit here, don't mess around, I'll take the gift apart!"

She rolled up her sleeves and prepared to fight.

Even if she didn't open one, then she opened ten. One of them is always her gift, right?

She didn't believe that Dad would be partial to this point!

Yin Shaojie was funny, although he couldn't see it, he reminded him, "Please pay attention to yourself ..."

As soon as the words fell, Mu Xiaoxiao rushed to get the innermost gift box and accidentally hit the tree branch.

"Ah! It hurts ..."

Yin Shaoji heard his voice and frowned.

"Have you hit them? They call you attention ..."

damn it!

Blame him for not seeing his eyes, otherwise he could protect her.

It wasn't until this time that Yin Shaojie was really the first time to annoy her blindness.

Even if he was in the bathroom last night, he was just in a bad mood and just vented.

He knew that his eyes were not serious and could be restored, but it was only a matter of time.

Mu Xiaoxiao saw that he was about to come over and said quickly, "I'm fine, don't come here, just sit there and don't move."

Yin Shaojie was a little sullen. "Can't you be careful? Such a big Christmas tree can also run into it, what if you poke your eyes?"

"Well ... I'll notice ..."

Mu Xiaoxiao apparently felt that he was angry and immediately softened his voice.

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