Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2017: I want you to break up (4)

No matter what happened, she would tell her father the first time.

She and her dad can be said to be very caring, and dad will also ask her opinions before doing anything.

Although they are father and daughter, they are like friends at the same time.

Therefore, if Dad really has a girlfriend but does not tell her, she will inevitably mind.

It's fun to fall in love!

Why not tell her?

Is she afraid she won't accept a new mother?

This is the only possibility that Mu Xiaoxiao can think of.

Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head and explained to his father, "Maybe it's just we guessed. If my dad really has a partner, he can't tell me, so if he doesn't tell me, it means he didn't. "

Yin Shao bowed her head and agreed with her, "I feel the same way."

Thinking about this, Mu Xiaoxiao's mood recovered.

When I was about to continue to open the gift, I heard the servant say, "Miss, Mr. Mu is here."

"Let him in."

When Mu Xiaoxiao heard that the Chinese medicine practitioner was coming, he got up and pulled Yin Shaoyan up.

"The Chinese medicine doctor is here. This guy has a strange personality and a big temper. However, the medicine is really brilliant and he will be able to cure you!"

She took Yin Shaojiao to the sofa and sat down with her servant to make tea.

She whispered in Yin Shaoyi's ear, "This guy is very strange, he also likes to drink tea, and looks very ..."

"Miss Mu, I seem to hear someone say something bad about me?"

A joke came from the door.

There was a clear distance, but Mu Fei seemed to have heard Mu Xiao's novel, and a pair of Phoenix eyes provoked, walking with long legs, step by step.

Mu Xiaoxiao heard this voice and was almost choked by his own saliva.

She whispered.

He can hear it so far.

Should the ears be so spirited?

"No, I didn't say anything bad about you." She pretended to be ignorant.

Mu Fei hooked his mouth and hummed, "Did I say that you said it? Little girl, don't do it yourself, stupid!"

Mu Xiaoxiaoding went back, "I just said it wasn't me, and I didn't admit it, you're stupid!"

Yin Shaoji heard the two men quarrel and Jun frowned.

He thought that Chinese medicine practitioners should be older.

But listening to this person's voice, it is quite young, and it should be like twenty years old.

You have good medicine at such a young age?

Mu Fei sat in front of the two, and his gaze fell on Yin Shao's face, as if he had examined it again.

"You are the disobedient patient? Miss Mu, who is he?"

"My boyfriend!" Mu Xiaoxiao hooked Yin Shaojiao's arm, his face was full of pride.

Mu Fei slipped his lips and said to Mu Xiao Novel, "I suggest you change another one. Your eyes are blind. What else can you do?"

"Hey!" Mu Xiaoxiao was dissatisfied. Even if he knew this guy's poisonous tongue, he couldn't hear him say Yin Shaojie.

"You cure him, wouldn't it be all right?"

Mu Fe shrugged and said dismissively, "I didn't say I could cure him."

"Why are you doing this! You promised Dad that you didn't even know how to deal with him, how did you know that he could not be cured? Did you deliberately do that?" Mu Xiaoxiao knew how he could cure Yin Shaoyu , Just playing with his temper.

Mu Fei smiled. "I can cure him, but I have one condition."

"Say, whatever conditions, I can promise you any conditions!" As long as Yin Shaojiu can be restored, she is willing to spend as much money as possible.

Mu Fei leaned back and said to her, "I want you to break up."

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