Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2034: There are really other women (1)

Afraid to hurt her, he had to put down the knife.

Mu Xiaoxiao squeezed him away with his shoulder. "Yeah, it's dangerous, so you can't cut it, let me come!"

Talking, rolled up his sleeves.

Yin Shaojie really did not take her seriously, and she couldn't grab a knife with her, so she had to compromise.

Mu Xiaoxiao cut a few knives, and tears burst into tears. Those who didn't know thought she was bullied.

Yin Shaoji heard the sound of her sniffing and couldn't help laughing, "Did you not cut it into the water?"

Mu Xiaoxiao froze, his eyes were red, stimulated by onions, like rabbits.

"Do you want to cut it in the water?"

She doesn't know!

Yin Shaoji explained, "If you cut into the water, you won't irritate your eyes."

Mu Xiaoxiao grumbled grievously, "Why didn't you say it earlier!"

"You have to rush to cut it. I can't say anything before you start. What can I do?" Yin Shaojie was helpless.

Mu Xiaoxiao wiped her eyes subconsciously with her hands, but her fingers were sprayed with onion juice, which made her even more uncomfortable.

"It's spicy, it's spicy ..." She jumped.

Yin Shaoji said, "Don't rub! Don't rub with your hands, you fool!"

"Woohoo, did I forget ..."

Mu Xiaoxiao looks completely pitiful.

Although Yin Shaojie couldn't see her, she could imagine what she was like just by hearing her grievances.

However, even if he could imagine it, he wished he could see it.

Yin Shaoji asked the servant to bring hot towels.

"Okay, don't cut it, let me cut it, clumsy." This girl is really the nemesis in the kitchen.

Mu Xiaoxiao refused, "No! I want to cut, I just didn't know how to cut, now I know."

She wiped her eyes with a hot towel, and the discomfort finally eased.

"It's really spicy. That's really spicy eyes." She couldn't help laughing.

Yin Shaojii also laughed aside, "Are you better?"

"Well, okay, I continue to cut as you just said, you stand a bit further." Mu Xiaoxiao pushed him back.

Yin Shaojie didn't want to be too far away from her, fearing that she would be in trouble again.

"It's okay. Put the onion in the water and cut it. You won't be spicy, let alone me."

Mu Xiaoxiao was right to think about it and agreed.

Although it is a bit inconvenient to cut in water, it does not irritate the eyes.

Yin Shaoyi's hand quietly touched her thin waist, and as she swayed, imagined what she was cutting at the moment.

Well, it must be very focused and cute.

He wanted to hold her from behind, but think of Mu Zhengbai looking at it in the living room, with a housekeeper and a servant beside him.

There were a lot of onlookers, so I had to give up.

After cutting for a few minutes, Mu Xiaoxiao finally got the onions.

She turned her head proudly and said to Yin Shaoji, "Look, I said I could do it, and you said I would ruin the kitchen."

Next, she plans to continue cutting carrots and other side dishes.

"Well, the rest is for me." Yin Shaoji touched her arm, stretched it out, and held her wrist.

Mu Xiaoxiao twisted, "Let me cut it for you."

"The onion will irritate the eyes, so I asked you to cut it. The carrot will not irritate the eyes, right? Give it to me." Yin Shaoji always worried that she would cut it, especially he couldn't see it now, it was even more frightening.

The steward urged, "Miss, don't grab the knife. It's very dangerous. You still give it to Master Yin."

Mu Xiaoxiao was also afraid to hurt him, so he had to let go.

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