Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2039: Lost him (2)

When the other person saw that Mu Xiaoxiao was also an Oriental face, he asked in Chinese, "Are you Chinese?"

"Um." Mu Xiaoxiao saw his compatriots and planned not to care about her.

The girl's gaze shifted around Yin Shaojiao's face, and her eyes clearly showed interest. "This handsome guy is also Chinese? What is your relationship?"

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't like her eyes, she wanted to cover her eyes and prevent her from looking at Yin Shaoyan.

"We don't know each other? Just forget it, goodbye."

She was about to pull Yin Shaojie away, but who knew that the girl was entangled.

"Don't go, I ask you, you haven't answered me yet."

Mu Xiaoxiao thought she was annoying, "I said, I don't know you, don't need to tell you so much, right?"

The girl put her arms on her hips and said with a smile, "Then I don't ask you, I ask this handsome guy, handsome guy, do you have a WeChat? Would you like to add a WeChat?"

At first glance, this girl is the kind of person who has been spoiled from childhood, regardless of the feelings of others.

Mu Xiaoxiao was angry, "Sorry, we don't play WeChat."

"Well, I'm not asking you, I'm asking this handsome guy, what are you talking about." The girl glanced at Mu Xiaoxiao arrogantly.

Mu Xiaoxiao finally couldn't bear it and announced to her, "He's my boyfriend! I said he didn't have WeChat, he didn't have WeChat. Don't you feel ashamed that you are so entangled with other people's boyfriends on the road?"

The girl disagreed, "Boyfriend? So what?"

How about it?

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at her disdainful gesture, and knew that this kind of person didn't understand what is called courtesy, integrity and shame, and there was nothing to think about.

Not speculative.

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't want to tell such a person.

"Oh, not so good."

Mu Xiaoxiao threw this sentence to her coolly, and pulled Yin Shaojiao away.

The girl followed closely, deliberately treating Mu Xiaoxiao as non-existent, and approached Yin Shaoxi, and asked him diligently, "Handsome guy, what's your name? All Chinese, make friends? What do you say? . "

Mu Xiaoxiao just wanted to get rid of her.

Annoying, like a fly!

"Handsome guy, hello, don't ignore me, you're so cool, did you come here to play or did you study in the United States? In which school?" The girl put her shame to the extreme.

Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't bear it and stopped.

Suddenly slap it over.

The girl was horrified, she ducked back, and exclaimed, "What are you doing!"

Mu Xiaoxiao hummed coldly, "Nothing. There are too many flies. Obviously it is a very high-end place. Why are there so many flies."

The girl knew she was talking about herself and her face became ugly.

"Who do you say is a fly?"

Mu Xiao smiled wryly, "Whoever should answer is who."

The girl looked hot, raised her hand, and wanted to throw a slap.

How could Mu Xiaoxiao let her succeed and clap her hands handsomely.

"It's strange that flies will fight back this year."

"You're a fly!" The girl said angrily to her.

At this moment, a waiter walked by, holding a plate in his hand.

The girl, Yu Guang, aimed at the water glass on the plate, swiped at the corner of her mouth, suddenly picked up the glass, and rushed to Mu Xiaoxiao.

"Well, guest ..." The waiter panicked and hurriedly stopped her.

Mu Xiaoxiao's expression just came out, one long arm stretched out, one block, and the water glass was directly photographed on the girl's face.

There was silence for a while.

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