Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2052: She will always be the treasure on his apex (3)

Yin Shaojie said with a sloppy mouth, "You see, there are times when you don't understand my mind. Does that mean that you don't have me in your heart?"

"Of course not!" Mu Xiaoxiao hurriedly opposed his words.

Yin Shaoji said, "Yeah, I can't guess, it doesn't mean that you are not in your heart. After all, we are all human beings and not immortals. How can we always understand your mind? Right?"

Mu Xiaoxiao groaned and felt that he was too harsh.

"I just……"

Yin Shaojiu said, "I know, you just care about your father too much, for fear that your father will be taken away, for fear that he will change."

Concern is messy.

You can see from here how much she was affected by the incident.

Mu Xiaoxiao lowered her eyes, a little sadness at the bottom of her eyes.

If Dad's favorite person is not her ...

She can't stand it.

No, in fact, what she was most afraid of was that her father's favorite person was not his mother.

Absolutely not.

Dad's favorite person must be mom!

Yin Shaojie saw that she was not talking, feeling a deep breath, he held her hand firmly.

His body temperature ironed her palms.

"Little," he called.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked up and looked at him.

Yin Shaoji asked, "Did you hear that? My voice here."

The sound of his heartbeat.

Mu Xiao nodded, "I heard."

Yin Shaoji asked again, "Did you hear what it said?"

Mu Xiaoxiao said, "What did it say?"

Yin Shaojie said with a tender smile at the corner of his mouth, "It said, I don't know when I live here with someone named Mu Xiaoxiao. She is very domineering and strong, and soon became the owner of this place. Right of abode. "

Mu Xiaoxiao was amused by his description.

She asked, "What then? What else does it say?"

Yin Shaojiao held her in her arms, and groped with thin lips to find her ears. To her ears, the **** voice seemed to be charming, and gently exhaled the warm breath.

"It also said three words, guess what it was."

Mu Xiao moved her head cautiously, she stretched her hands around his neck, and stuck herself up.

"Yin Shaoxing ..."

She called him slightly.

"Um." Yin Shao's lips pressed against her horns, rubbing her delicate cheeks.

Mu Xiaoxiao fluctuated and said to him, "I love you ..."

Yin Shaoxu pulled his corner of the mouth lightly, "That's right."

Mu Xiaoxiao laughed.

The two hugged each other. At this moment, it seemed that there was no depression, only warmth.

She heard what he meant.

Even if her dad really changes, she and him, he will never change her.

She will always be the treasure on his heart.

叩叩 ——

The knock on the door broke the warmth in the room.

The two reacted from the pink bubbles and looked at the door.

The maid outside said softly, "Master Yin, the medicine is good."

The two looked at each other.

Mu Xiaoxiao froze, and whispered to him, "Can't let people know I'm here."

Yin Shaoji said, "Then you don't rush to hide?"

Mu Xiaoxiao then reacted, and quickly left him to find a place to hide.

Just panic-like, like a headless fly.

Yin Shaoji heard her panic footsteps and reminded, "Toilet."


Mu Xiaoxiao knocked on his head, how could he even forget the toilet.

She quickly hid in the toilet.

Yin Shaoji heard that there were no footsteps, so he said to the servants outside, "Come in."

The door opened and the maid came in with the medicine.

Yin Shaojiu quickly drank the medicine and signaled the servant to go down.

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