Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2083: He is mine (2)

Shen Chuchu did not expect that she would catch people directly, and suddenly she was speechless.

She couldn't say she was getting out of the car, right?

Shen Chuchu put up with it, in order to shift the topic, asked other questions.

"How far is it from the hospital now?"

Mu Xiaoxiao said coolly, "Far away."

Shen Chuchu twitched his lips and asked, "How long will it take?"

Mu Xiaoxiao stopped looking at her and turned to look out the window.

Seeing Mu Xiaoxiao ignoring herself, Shen Chuchu was a little annoyed, she hummed, turned to face Yin Shaojiu, and deliberately leaned forward to explore him.

The lengthened Lincoln's back seat is larger than that of a normal car. It can sit in two rows and is sufficiently spaced apart. She is not enough to get in front of Yin Shaojie, but it can make him feel his breath.

This distance is even more ambiguous.

You can feel my presence, you can feel my existence.

In the year Shen Chu first came to the United States, he learned how to make people embarrassed. If there is nothing like ambiguous, it is the most heart-wrenching.

She didn't believe that some men would not eat fishy.

Looking at Yin Shao's too handsome face, the profound features are like the most perfect masterpiece of God.

Shen Chuchu couldn't help but get closer and closer to his upper body, it seemed that he wanted to stick himself to Yin Shaojiu.

Mu Xiaoxiao turned her head and looked at her like this, frowning to remind her, "Can't you sit down a bit?"

"Oh." Shen Chuchu held his face in one hand and welcomed Jiao Didi.

Mu Xiaoxiao rolled his eyes.

Why did she promise to let this woman ride in her own car?

This decision is really stupid!

At this time, Shen Chuchu moved to the window of the car, pretending to look at the scenery.

Mu Xiaoxiao thought she had converged, so she ignored her.

Who knows, Shen Chuchu stabbed Yin Shao's calf with his forefoot, and he was so ambiguous.

Everyone knows what this means.

He won't understand.

Shen Chuchu smiled secretly.

She thinks she is good, especially abroad, and she is very popular with oriental girls like her.

So she doesn't think Yin Shaojie will reject her ambiguity.

Any man likes to play ambiguous.

Mu Xiaoxiao was holding Yin Shao's arm, and when he lowered his head, he saw Shen Chuchu's feet.


Does this woman want to die?

Just before she said anything, Yin Shaojie suddenly kicked Shen Chuchu's foot.

Shen Chuchu was stunned by the sudden force, hit the window, and then almost fell off his seat.

She gave her a little regret.

When I knew that I had just flung forward, I should have hit him directly.

Why didn't she just think about it!

Shen Chuchu glanced out the window of the car, all she thought was a turn, she could ...

Coincidentally, there really was a turn ahead.

Shen Chuchu had figured out the right time, and thought about taking advantage of it.

Soon the corner came.

Because the car is driving a bit faster, the body naturally follows the car's turns and swings.

She counted down in her heart and calculated the period.

It's the turn!

Shen Chuchu's body swayed along the curve of the car's turn, and then just about to flutter on Yin Shaoyu's body, one foot suddenly came out of the air.

She responded slowly for half a beat, and the whole person rushed to that foot.

Whose foot is this? !!

Shen Chuchu is so angry!

But there are only four people in this car, of course not her ...

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