Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2088: Give sugar to eat (3)

In order to see Mu Xiaoxiao's frightened expression for the first time, she hurried to follow up.

She bought the nurse, asked the nurse to take Mu Xiaoxiao into the morgue, and then locked Mu Xiaoxiao in the morgue.

When Mu Xiaoxiao saw the terrible corpse, she would scare urine, right?

Shen Chuchu thinks so cool.

She couldn't miss such a wonderful shot.

But it caused a little suspicion about Mu, so she didn't dare to follow too closely.

The morgue was some distance away, still in the minus one.

Only one corner of the elevator can go down to the negative floor.

Mu Xiaoxiao seemed to follow the nurse obediently without any doubt.

"Not yet?"

Shen Chuchu followed, hearing Mu Xiao's question and covering his mouth and laughing.

Wait until you are miserable!

The morgue is ahead.

Shen Chuchu hid in the corner, waiting to hear Mu Xiaoxiao's scream.

However, after waiting for a while, I still didn't.

"Why didn't she call?" Shen Chuchu wondered.

At this moment, the nurse hurried over and almost hit her on the corner.

"She, she she she ..."

The nurse stammered, and the second word would not come out.

Shen Chuchu frowned and asked impatiently, "What happened to her? Did you take her into the morgue?"

"In, she fainted inside!"

The nurse finally said that.

"She fainted?" Shen Chuchu was a little surprised, but thought of Mu Xiaoxiao's miserable situation, and felt very happy.

The nurse nodded.

Shen Chuchu narrowed his eyes, his eyes were a bit vicious.

Mu Xiaoxiao fainted, so what does she do? No one knows?

How could she let Mu Xiaoxiao take such a good opportunity?

Shen Chuchu gave out the money to the nurse, waved her hands and said, "Hurry up, don't let others see you."

The nurse looked nervous and nodded sharply, "Okay, okay!"

After watching the nurse leave, Shen Chuchu walked to the morgue.

Although she was afraid, she didn't dare to go in.

But thinking that Mu Xiaoxiao fainted in it, she could torture Mu Xiaoxiao as much as she could, and she didn't even know what to do on Mu Xiaoxiao's beautiful face.

She didn't want to miss such a good opportunity.

Shen Chuchu gritted his teeth.

Anyway, Mu Xiaofa passed out and should be on the ground.

As long as she doesn't look up and keeps looking at the ground, doesn't it?

Shen Chuchu thought this was feasible, so he closed his eyes and went into the morgue.

The next second she walked in.


The door behind them suddenly closed.

Shen Chuchu stumbled a bit, quickly reacted and turned to pick up the door.

But the door couldn't open.

"Hey! Who closed the door? Who is outside? Open the door!"

Is the wind blowing the door up?

When Shen Chuchu was wondering, Mu Xiao's voice came in from the outside.

"It's me, didn't I expect?"

Shen Chuchu froze, "Aren't you ... are you fainted inside?"

She said, looking back subconsciously, looking for a small figure.

But I saw what I shouldn't see ...

"Ah-" Shen Chuchu screamed, shrinking to the door in fear, patted the door deadly, "Open the door! Let me out! Let me out!"

Oh my god, that corpse is so disgusting and scary!

Mu Xiaoxiao doesn't know what's inside, so I don't know how scary this is.

Listening to Shen Chuchu's scream, Mu Xiaoxiao felt that she was acting, and of course she would not easily believe it.

Mu Xiaoxiao shook his lips and said, "Let you? Don't even think about it, I'm not the Virgin, you will hurt me, and I will sympathize with you?"

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