Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2101: She is not willing (4)

"I have reason to suspect that at first you bought the nurse and asked her to lie to Mu Xiaoxiao and take her to the morgue. Originally, did you want to lock her in? But she discovered your conspiracy. , So she conducted proper defense and locked you in. "

Shen Chuchu listened to him perfectly to restore the truth, his face paled.

The police officer heard the captain say the words "justifiable defense", and it was too obvious to Mu Xiaoxiao towards the suspect. He felt that this was inappropriate and unfair.

But as soon as Shen Chuchu's face changed, he realized that this was the truth.

The captain looked at Shen Chuchu coldly, "If the truth is so, then ... the suspect can also sue you in turn. Whoever can win the lawsuit depends on the ability of the respective lawyers."

The last sentence tells Shen Chuchu.

Unless you have a very powerful lawyer, it will be you who suffers in the end.

Shen Chuchu took a step back, "I ... I won't sue her ..."

"Smart girl," the captain praised.

Shen Chuchu almost fled.

The captain held her back, closed the case file, and took it to the police officer's arms.

The police officer said admiringly, "Captain, you are too great!"


Shen Chuchu is not willing, very unwilling!

Obviously she is a victim!

She returned to Mu family with strong hatred in her eyes, but found that Shen Meiling had also returned.

"In the beginning, I found the house, and we will move out tomorrow, oh no, just tonight, I can't disturb Mr. Mu anymore."

When Shen Chuchu heard this, he panicked.

She hasn't retaliated against Mu Xiaoxiao yet!

She doesn't want to leave Mu family!

"Aunt ..."

Without waiting for her to speak, Shen Meiling said again, "Small novel tells me something, just as I told her to move out."

Shen Chuchu was startled, "She's looking for you?"

Could Mu Xiaoxiao tell her aunt about her bad things?


Don't let your aunt know!

One after another, the bad news sent Shen Chuchu into a panic of heart tightening.

She walked to the side with an expression of pity, poured a glass of water, blocked Shen Meiling's sight with her body, and quietly put something in the water.

"At first, should you go with me?" Shen Meiling said.

Shen Chuchu walked in front of her, handed her the water, and smiled, "Aunt, you must be very tired looking for a house today? Drink some saliva."

Shen Meiling drank water without a doubt.

A few minutes later, Shen Meiling was lying in a coma on the bed.

Shen Chuchu pulled up the curtains, holding a knife in his hand, stepping closer to Shen Meiling, muttering in his mouth, "Aunt, I'm sorry ..."

After a while.

Shen Chuchu walked out of the room calmly and half-closed the door.

She wanted to go to Mu Xiaoxiao, but happened to meet Mu Xiaoxiao in the corridor.

"My aunt is a little sick. Maybe it's a cold. Do you have cold medicine at home?"

Mu Xiaoxiao replied, "Yes, I'll let the servant get it."

Although she does not like Shen Chuchu, Shen Meiling is good and she is also an elder. Of course, she has to care about it.

"I'll get it. How can I bother you, my young lady, by the way, my aunt said you asked her something to say, wasn't she? She's not comfortable, go to our room to find her." Passing by, it seems that he is not willing to talk to Mu Xiaoxiao.

Mu Xiaoxiao doubted him and went to her room.

Shen Chuchu turned his head and looked at her back, with a treacherous light in his eyes.

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