Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2105: Just watch your acting quietly (4)

Mu Xiaoxiao lowered her eyes, "She's crazy ... It's because I got her mad in the morgue, so she's crazy? So it's because of me."

Yin Shaojie pinched her cheeks and shook her up and down this time.

"Did you hear what I said clearly? It's her fault that you must be happy to embrace yourself. Do you want to **** me off and find another man?"

Mu Xiaoxiao laughed at him and wanted to pat his hand away.

Yin Shaojiu let go of her hand, and her big hand turned to her back and pulled her towards herself.

The foreheads of the two are offset.

"It will be Shen Chuchu's own choice for this to happen. She could not have done it, but she did it, so this mistake is her own problem, understand?"

Mu Xiao nodded, "Yes."

Her dark eyes were gazing at him, and her eyes gradually grew more and more intense.

It's nice to have him around.

"Well, when are your eyes good?"

She wanted to look into his eyes, feeling the deep affection for her in her eyes.


Mu Xiaoxiao used the tip of his tongue to push the inner flesh of his cheek, and he was just slapped by Shen Chuchu, it seemed a bit swollen.

Fortunately, he can't see it, otherwise he will die.

Yin Shaoji said, "It's coming."

Mu Xiaoxiao felt that he was comforting himself, so he didn't ask any more. She reached out and hugged his neck, resting his chin on his shoulder, and delivered him all to him.

Heart and heart, affixed to the nearest distance.


The doctor came quickly, first stopped Shen Meiling, and then checked her condition.

"The person who started this is too vicious. It is difficult to remove these scars even after cosmetic surgery after such a deep wound ..." The doctor sighed and shook his head to report to Mu Zhengbaihui.

The doctor's skillful ability quickly stitched Shen Meiling's wound.

Mu Zhengbai stared, no one knew what he was thinking.

The doctor asked her assistant to drop Shen Meiling and cover her with a quilt.

Mu Zhengbai asked, "When can she wake up?"

As long as Shen Meiling wakes up, she knows what happened.

The doctor said, "She should have been under the drug | medicine. If it was a sleeping pill, she would have awoken a long time ago. The medicine is a bit strong, at least for a long time and she may not wake up tonight.

Shen Chuchu, who just had no idea where he was, suddenly turned away from the crowd and squeezed in front of the doctor.

She dragged the doctor's clothes and asked anxiously, "How is my aunt? Is her face so disfigured? Can she recover?"

The doctor told her exactly what she had just said.

Shen Chuchu seemed to have been hit hard and loosened the doctor's clothes.

She turned her head, her eyes scarlet, and glared at Mu Xiao.

"Mu Xiaoxiao! You're happy, you're so proud! My aunt is so disfigured, it will never be like your mother again! You succeeded!"

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at her calmly, without being provoked by her words.

Continue acting.

That's how we watch your acting quietly.

She had just gone through the aftertaste, and increasingly felt that Yin Shao's guess was right.

When she met Shen Chuchu in the corridor, Shen Chuchu actually talked to her as usual, and it was very abnormal here.

She closed Shen Chuchu to the morgue. Shen Chuchu must be very angry and went to the police.

Moreover, she would go to Shen Meiling's room, which Shen Chuchu called her to.

Mu Xiaoxiao also remembered a detail.

Shen Chuchu rushed into the room. The first time she was not concerned about her aunt's injuries, but only accused her of being a murderer.

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