Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2107: You don't have to be okay (2)

The doctor motioned to the assistant to pull her away.

"You're all far away. The patient's condition is not good."

The group retreated quietly and stood behind waiting.

Shen Meiling was convulsing. When the doctor examined her, she also found that she rolled her eyes, which made the doctor frown tightly and shook her head.

The doctor turned his head to Mu Zhengbai and said, "The patient should be the body's rejection of that drug | medicine, so if she goes on, she will have life worries."

"Worry for life?" Mu Zhengbai heard these four words, his brows froze, his eyes staring at Shen Meiling on the bed.

Hearing that, Shen Chuchu took a trembling step.

"Worry about life ... what does this mean? Doctor, what does it mean? Is it my aunt ... that may die?"

How could this be?

The doctor's face was heavy, and he slightly nodded and said, "There is a great possibility. I don't know who the drug is, who is so vicious, that kind of mystery | The drug was originally sold on the black market, and the ingredients were all messed up. This thing is You can't use it in large quantities, just a little powder can make an adult faint. "

A little powder ...

Shen Chu froze, thinking of putting a whole pack into the water.

When her aunt drank, she laughed a little and smelled lemon, and thought it was the lemonade she made.

Thinking of her aunt smiling at her, Shen Chuchu suddenly felt so sad.

Aunt will die ...

Shen Chuchu, who was in a magic wand, was slightly awake, blinked a few times, and looked at Shen Meiling, who was lying on the bed with a steady face.

Oh my god!

What did she do ...

My aunt was so good to her because she liked her. In order to have a better future, she offered to sponsor her to study in the United States, and spent a lot of money. The aunt never said a regret.

Even in the year Shen Chu first came to the United States, her aunt took care of her like a daughter and paid a lot of pocket money, fearing that she would be looked down upon by other students at school.

Shen Chuchu is very grateful to her aunt.

Therefore, she was messing around outside and had made a lot of boyfriends. She didn't dare let her aunt know about these things.

She was afraid her aunt would be disappointed in her.

But now ...

She actually ruined her aunt's face just to retaliate against Mu Xiao, and put her aunt in a state of uncertainty about her life and death.

Oh my god!

What the **** is she doing!

Shen Chuchu suddenly felt a headache.

She closed her eyes in pain, hugged her head, and squatted down.

She murmured, "I'm sorry aunt ... I'm sorry aunt ..."


For better treatment, Shen Meiling was sent to the hospital.

No one can guarantee whether she will be safe and sound.

Shen Chuchu followed the car like a walking dead.

Before she left, she looked back at Mu Xiaoxiao, and no one could see what she meant.

Watching the ambulance go away, Mu Xiaomo was still blocked.

Overall, Shen Meiling is a good elder, and she doesn't want her to be in trouble.

Yin Shaojiu held her aside and let her lean against his arms.

His temperature ironed her.

"Are the cars gone? Let's go back." He lowered his head and said thin lips against her ears.

"Um." Mu Xiao nodded.

Mu Zhengbai also had a heavy face, and when he asked the housekeeper, he returned to the house together.

The sun shines on the body, but it does not dispel the chill of winter.

All of them entered the room.

Mu Xiaoxiao paused, looked back at Mu Zhengbai, pursed his lips, and said, "Daddy ..."

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