Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2132: Listen to you sing love songs (3)

What is he doing ...?

Yin Shaojie hooked her mouth, "Isn't she a showman? It just happened to be on the Internet for everyone to enjoy her performance."

Mu Xiaoxiao, "..."

You are too bad!

Seeing that the man was about to tear off the bathrobe, Yin Shaozhen reached out and blocked Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes. Mu Fei on the side frowned, blocking Mu Xiaoxiao's body.

Mu Xiaoxiao was not interested in watching, and said, "Let's go, don't watch."

"Well, let's go." Yin Shaozhen put away his phone.

Bai Meijiao inside the room was vaguely aware of something and turned her head.

The next second, her face turned pale.

Wu Shao and Mu Xiaoxiao, why are they here?

The door just opened again.

In other words, what did they see just now?

Bai Meijiao's heart seemed to fall into the abyss, and the whole person became cold.

She didn't want her to see her like this ...

Too embarrassing, too embarrassing!

Bai Meijiao had the heart to die at this time.

However, Yin Shaojie did not look at her, took Mu Xiaoxiao's hand, and turned away.

Bai Meijiao fell on her knees with a soft knee.


When going down to the first floor, Yin Shaojiu already edited the video with the editing software on his mobile phone, and then posted it to the school websites where Bai Meijiao and Shen Chuchu attended.

Mu Fei yelled at Yin Shaojie with dissatisfaction, his voice faintly questioning, "You take Miss Mu to see this kind of thing?"

Dirty, dirty!

Going to the car, Yin Shaojiu drove Mu Xiaoxiao to the door and asked her to sit up.

He turned back to Mu Fei's eyes. "First, I don't know what's going on inside. This is an accident. Second, how are I going with Xiaoxiao, what are you going to see and what are you doing?"

Mu Fe narrowed his eyes.

Yin Shaojie would wave him and say, "I won't show you anymore. We're going on a date. You can go by car."

He got into the car and slammed the door shut.

I thought Mu Fei would be very acquainted.

But apparently, this person's dictionary doesn't even have the word acquaintance.

Mu Fe walked from the front of the car to the co-pilot seat, opened the door willfully, and sat up.

He turned back and looked at Mu Xiao's novel with a smile on his face, "You don't need to care about me, just when I am invisible."

Mu Xiaoxiao, "..."

You're such a big person, it's a bit hard to want to be invisible, right?

Seeing Yin Shaoyan getting angry, Mu Xiaoxiao secretly tore off his clothes and pulled him in front of himself.

"Forget it, go home first."

Yin Shaojie's eyes just recovered a short time ago. She didn't want him to stay outside for too long, but it was safer to go home.

Mu Xiaoxiao smiled and said to Mu Fei, "Mou Fei, I asked you to eat, and my chef's cooking is also very delicious, otherwise, go to my house for a meal?"

Yin Shao looked at her, apparently not satisfied that she invited Mu Fei to go home for dinner.

Mu Xiaoxiao had his own plan and motioned him not to get angry.

Mu Fei glanced at Yin Shaojie and said with a smile, "It's OK."

Mu Xiao nodded and said to the driver, "Then go home."

Yin Shaoxian looked unhappy.

Mu Xiaoxiao touched his hand and he left it.

For a while, the car was quiet, no one was talking, a little awkward.

Mu Fei wanted to talk to Mu Xiaoxiao before he opened his mouth, Yin Shaojiu took Mu Xiaoxiao to his side.

He suddenly slipped down and lay on Mu Xiao's knee.

Mu Xiaoxiao asked, "What's wrong?"

Yin Shaojie closed her eyes and said, "A little sleepy."

"Then you close your eyes and sleep for a while, and when you get home, I'll call you again." Mu Xiaoxiao gently stroked his hair with his small hand.

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