Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2175: Meeting Ceremony (4)

Queen: Meeting ceremony.

Yin Shaojiu stumbled when he saw the name, wondering if he had read it wrong.

But this information was indeed sent to him through their organization's exclusive channel.

Queen is a special existence, not because of the meaning of her name, because the name cannot represent anything, and the important thing is that this person is one of the veterans of this mysterious organization.

Queen suddenly disappeared five years ago and never showed up again.

However, she is not in the organization, but her legend still exists in the organization.

Even Nemo had adored Queen and looked forward to seeing Queen's real person sometime.

Therefore, when Yin Shaojiu saw that the person who sent her a message was Queen, she was so surprised.

Yin Shaojie held the box in her hand and frowned.

Obviously he didn't know her and didn't meet. How could she give him a greeting.

Wait, the ceremony?

That is, have they met?

Yin Shao frowned, playing back in his head the person he met today.

Is it ... the beauty boss?

Song Shijun failed to meet, and he was most impressed when something happened.

And before that, the mysterious smile that the beautiful lady owner showed to him, he noticed at that time.

I thought it was because of a small relationship.

It seems that the beauty boss is Queen?

At the same time, Yin Shaojie was puzzled about how Queen knew he was also the organizer.

After sending the waiter away, Yin Shaoyi replied to Queen.

——Are you a beautiful lady in your mouth?

Queen: Right.

Queen: Enjoy it.

Yin Shaojie Weiton, what does ‘enjoy’ mean?

His gaze fell on the box in his hand again, and he was immediately curious as to what exactly was the ceremony.

"Little sister, who is it?"

A small voice came from behind Mu.

As soon as Yin Shaojiu turned around, Mu Xiaoxiao saw the box in his hand.

"What is this? Who gave it to you?"

Little face is full of curiosity.

Yin Shaojiu gave up, and it was hard to say that it was her beauty boss, so she said, "The waiter just sent it."

"Did the hotel deliver it? What is it?"

Mu Xiaoxiao snatched the box. The box wasn't small, but it was very light in his hand.

"What is it?"

She was more curious, padding up and down, no noise.

Yin Shaojie didn't know what Queen's predecessor would give him, but think about her knowing that he was with Xiaoxiao and he should not give anything strange.

"You look at it," he said generously.

Girls love to unpack boxes, and Mu Xiaoxiao is no exception, so he took the box and went to the sofa.

"Well, see where there is a knife, it's not easy to tear."

Yin Shaojie went over and brought her a knife and handed it to her.

Mu Xiaoxiao opened it with great excitement.

The box was actually a ball of cloth.

Yin Shaojie was puzzled, reached out and grabbed, "What is this?"


Why did Queen send him cloth?

Mu Xiaoxiao was also wondering, pulling it to the bottom of the box, it was just these fabrics.

She was deeply puzzled: "What is this? Why did the hotel send us this?"

"It wasn't from the hotel." Yin Shaoji explained as he unrolled the fabric.

The cloth is thin and small, and it doesn't look like clothes at all.

Mu Xiaoxiao narrowed his eyes.

She seems to have seen this cloth and pattern ...

Suddenly, her little face swelled red, hurriedly grabbed the cloth in Yin Shao's hands, and stuffed it into the box.

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