Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2196: Slap handsomely (1)

Mu Xiaoxiao felt that the magician had found her there early in the morning.

Otherwise, how could she just call her up.

Mu Xiaoxiao certainly didn't want to go up, she didn't like this man.

Especially when she saw the giant snake on the stage, she didn't want to go up.

Just wanting to refuse, Yin Shaojiu held her little hand and tapped lightly.

Yin Shaojie stood up and walked towards the stage.

The magician narrowed his eyes slightly and said with a smile, "Sorry, my name is that little beauty, not you, sir."

Yin Shaojie put a cynical smile on his face and said, "She's my girlfriend. You want to call her up, shouldn't I agree?"

This sentence caused laughter at the audience.

The magician saw that the audience responded well, and with Yin Shao's insistence, he had to give up.

"Well, then please ask this gentleman to cooperate with me."

There was a ray of malicious light in his eyes, and he decided to change another magic, and ordered the backstage with a headset.

The staff in the background was surprised, and quickly confirmed, "Do you really want to do this magic? This magic doesn't need the cooperation of the audience, right?"

"I have new ideas. What are you talking about? Just push the props up. When will my magic not get the most applause?" Said the magician in a voice.


After a while, the curtain in the background opened, pushing up a large prop, an iron cage, with a thick iron plate hanging from it.

The staff pushed the prop in the middle of the stage.

The magician bowed to the audience first, and then said to Yin Shaojie, "This magic will be dangerous. If you are afraid, you can reject it now."

However, when he said this, his eyes were provocative.

He hoped that Yin Shaoxu accepted his provocation, so that he could rectify the proud boy in front of him.

However, if Yin Shaojie said he was afraid, it would be a shame.

Off the stage, Mu Xiaoxiao felt uneasy looking at the prop. She winked at Yin Shaoxi, motioned him to refuse, not to agree.

However, Yin Shaojie smiled slightly at her, and then said to the magician, "No problem."

The magician narrowed his eyes. "Is that okay?"

It's really annoying to see him deserve so chic.

"It's fun to be dangerous, isn't it?" Yin Shaoyan raised an eyebrow and looked at him with black eyes, but the smile was unpredictable.

The magician intuitively thinks that this boy is not an ordinary character, so it is better not to provoke him, but the more so, the more intense he wants to make the other person sullen.

Are you handsome?

Wait until I embarrass you!

The magician snorted and kept a mysterious smile on his face. "You have courage, I hope you will have so courage after a while."

Then, he motioned for the assistant who had just come up.

The assistant took a rope from the box and handed it to the magician.

The magician instructed Yin Shaoji to come over and explain to him and the audience, "I will tie you up and put it in an iron cage. You have two minutes to escape. If you cannot escape, the thick The iron plate will come down and squash you. "

Hearing such a dangerous magic, the audience took a breath and looked at Yin Shaoxi anxiously.

The magician smiled slightly and said to Yin Shaoji, "Of course, if you confirm that you can't escape within two minutes, you can yell for help and we will stop magic."

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