Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2240: Show me (3)

"If you don't give opinions, then I will make the decision myself."

Anyway, I showed it to him.

Ye Sijue looked at these clothes on the screen, and he was very happy.

Holding her in one hand and operating with a mobile phone in one hand, he bought a few sets he liked.

Well, try a few sets first, and if you feel good, buy them later.

Ye Sijue thought about it and sent the website address to her from her mobile phone.


Inside the Presidential Suite.

Seeing that everyone was gone, Mu Xiaoxiao took a peek at Yin Shaoyan, stretched his back and said, "Suddenly a little sleepy, I'll go to sleep again ..."

Yin Shaojie didn't know what she was doing and didn't return her.

Mu Xiaoxiao secretly rejoiced and hurried back to the room.

He was about to close the door, but was held up by one hand.

"Sleep back to sleep? I'll sleep with you." Yin Shaoxing's handsome face had a cynical smile.

Mu Xiaoxiao, "..."

She felt a crisis inexplicably.

Immediately, Yin Shaojiu pushed in the door and held her hand, pulling her to the bed.

Mu Xiaoxiao was trying to crawl on the bed. Who knew he was turning around and pressed her to the bed.


What does he want to do?

Yin Shaojie didn't talk, her knuckle fingers outlined her goose's face, as if playing something.

Mu Xiaoxiao secretly swallowed, "Why don't you let people sleep?"

"Yesterday, I should have confessed to you. Today, shouldn't you have confessed to me?" Yin Shaozhu hooked her lips, and her black eyes drew deep into her, as if she had seen her.

Mu Xiaoxiao paused and wanted to make the final struggle, "What's frank? I have nothing to confess to you."

Yin Shaoxing chuckled twice, and the laughter caused a chest vibration, which was passed from her to her.

Mu Xiaoxiao realized that he seemed unable to escape.

Eyed by a demon and want to escape? impossible!

Mu Xiaoxiao had to raise his hand obediently and expressed surrender, "Well, what do you want me to confess, I say everything, okay?"

"Clothing, what kind of clothes did you order with Queen?" Yin Shaoxing asked knowingly, and liked to see her blushing.

Sure enough, not disappointed.

When Mu Xiaoxiao thought of this, he wanted to find a hole drill.

"That dress ... well, I was meant to surprise you ..."

Obviously it's her birthday, but she also needs to prepare a surprise and give herself to him.

"What about surprises?" Yin Shaoxin reached out to her.

Mu Xiaoxiao silently said, "Uh ... seems to be at home, right?"

She later intentionally forgot about it.

In the impression, it seems that Azer returned her clothes to her?

If you let Yin Shaoji know that Jun Zeye has seen these clothes before him, it is estimated that this guy will lose his temper again.

Therefore, Mu Xiaoxiao felt it necessary to hide it.

I thought that these clothes were forgotten by myself, but I never expected that the beautiful lady boss knew Yin Shaoxi!

It ’s a godsend to her ...

Yin Shao squinted and squinted her and asked, "You made it yourself. It should look better than the one from Queen? Is there a picture? Show me."

He was really interested in what style she had made.

She thought she was very passive in this regard.

Of course, he didn't intend to force her to take the initiative, just let it be.

So it surprised him and made him happy.

She actually made such shameful clothes for him, which he could never have imagined.

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