Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2244: I don't want to be separated from you (3)

Mu Xiaoshi was surprised. "They just met? Or, are they from the same organization?"

"The same terrorist organization, this organization has only emerged in recent years, and suddenly this big move this year should be intended to attract the world's attention." Yin Shaoji said deeply.

These terrorists are dangerous, they see human lives as toys, and no one knows what they want to do next.

Mu Xiaoxiao was worried, hugged his arm and asked, "Yin Shaoxing, do you want to solve them?"

It wasn't that she doubted his ability, but ... the other party was a terrorist who was ruthless and used guns or bombs, and his life seemed too fragile in front of these terrible weapons.

Yin Shaojie snorted coldly, "The group of people ruined my proposal, of course, it can't be so."

"But dangerous ..." Mu Xiaoxiao reminded him.

She was also angry that the proposal was destroyed, but she cares more about his safety.

Yin Shaoxi touched her face and said, "Relax, they are not enough to threaten me."

Mu Xiaoxiao leaned his head on his chest.

His strong heartbeat sounded in the eardrums.

She wanted to hear that voice all the time.


They lay in bed for a while.

Mu Xiaoxiao took a nap for more than an hour, and it was almost noon.

Originally, Yin Shaojie saw that she was asleep and did not want to wake her up, but Mu Xiaoxiao woke up by herself.

"It's so rare, you actually woke up yourself." Yin Shaoxu smiled at her face with her fingertips.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked unhappy.

Yin Shaojie only thought she had just woke up, so she didn't react.

Mu Xiaoxiao sat on the bed for a while, staring at him staring blankly.

"Yin Shaoxing ..." She called him.

Yin Shaojiu got out of bed and went to the bathroom, but did not hear her calling herself.

"Yin Shaoxing ..."

Mu Xiaoxiao screamed again, his voice low, like a dream language.

Her narrow eyes blinked, her eyes cleared, and then she looked up, but couldn't see Yin Shaojiu's figure.

She flustered inexplicably.

"Yin Shaoxing ..." This call was a bit aggrieved.

Yin Shaoxing finished going to the toilet, came out of the bathroom, and heard her whisper.

"What am I doing here?"

Yin Shaoyi returned to her, reached out and touched her forehead, and found sweat on her forehead.

"Is the heating too high?"

Mu Xiaoxiao apparently felt uncomfortable sleeping, and her expression looked gloomy.

"Yin Shaoxing, I just had a dream."

"It's a nightmare."

She added.

Yin Shaojie wiped her sweat, and her magnetic voice asked, "What nightmare?"

Mu Xiaoxiao shook her head, "I forgot."

Yin Shao laughed, "Forget, then how do you know that you have a nightmare?"

Mu Xiaoxiao paused and said vaguely, "Because when I woke up, I felt very bad ..."

"That's not necessarily a nightmare. Maybe it's a dream. Then you don't want to wake up, and suddenly you wake up, so you don't feel good." Yin Shaoxi gave her a perfect explanation.

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't say a word, and hugged his neck.

"Yin Shaoxing, are you going back to the United States?"

Originally, she was going to return to China with Qi Qing and them.

Her father is also in the country.

Yin Shao looked at her, and bowed his head and said, "Well, go over there and take care of things. You and Qiqing will go back to the country first. I will return to the country soon after I finish the business."

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