Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2246: Little mad (1)

Han Qiqing, who was sitting behind, noticed that Yin Shaojie had disembarked. He couldn't help but stand up, looked at his back, and looked puzzled.

But no one answered her.

Feeling weird, she leaned forward, patted the back of Mu Xiao's chair, and asked, "Little? Little?"

However, Mu Xiaoxiao did not respond to her.

Han Qiqing was even more surprised. She simply got up to see Mu Xiao, but found that she was asleep.


She shook and admired Xiaoxiao.

Mu Xiaoxiao did not respond and did not wake up.

Han Qiqing didn't believe that Xiaoxiao fell asleep as soon as he got on the plane, and if Xiaoxiao fell asleep, Yin Shaojie would not be able to get off the plane at this time.

"Yesijue, what's going on?" She looked up and asked Yessi on the other side of the aisle.

Ye Sijue made a hissing gesture, "Shaoyu didn't go back with us. He went to the United States by himself, but didn't want to follow him, so ..."

Han Qiqing understood, "He gave Xiao Ping a sleeping pill? Would you like that?"

Ye Sijue made a helpless gesture.

Han Qiqing murmured, "Yin Shaoxing's guy is really!"

Ye Sijue pointed to Mu Xiaoxiao and said to her, "Xiaoxiao should be very angry when you wake up, and you will help to coax."

"Me?" Han Qiqing pointed at his nose stupidly. "Why am I coaxing? Yin Shaojiu got himself into trouble and asked him to come back to coax!"

Besides, how can she compare with Yin Shaoyan.

Ye Sijue said, "What Shao's going to do is important, not for fun, and Xiaoxiao knows it."

Han Qiqing gave up, "So ..."

She sat back in pain, scratching her head, and hit Song Shijun next to her elbow. "How do you say that?"

"I don't know, you're so good with Xiaoxiao, you accompany her, anyway, on holiday, you go out shopping, buy and buy, yes, swipe the card of Shaoji! This is enough to calm down?" Song Shijun suggested.

Swipe Yin Shaoyan's card?

Han Qiqing's eyes brightened. "That's a good idea!"

No girl does not like to buy and buy, especially without spending their own money.

Song Shijun patted her shoulder and said in a heavy and arduous tone, "It's up to you, come on."

Han Qiqing leaned back. "Then I have to think about it ..."

She didn't want to be unhappy.

At this moment, Mo Xiaomeng probed to her side and said, "Qi Qing, I will accompany Xiao Bar with you. We will accompany her to buy things, go to the movies, and eat delicious food, and she will be happy."

Han Qiqing heard the words and glanced at Ye Sijue beside her.

She coughed and said, "It's okay, I just stay with Xiaoxiao, aren't you uncomfortable? You go home with Ye Sijue first, rest and rest, and if there is a situation, I will call you again."

Ye Sijue held Mo Xiaomeng in one hand and said something in her ear.

Mo Xiaomeng's ears are reddish.

She looked at Han Qiqing and said, "Well, that's fine."

Before long, the plane closed the door and slowly got on the runway, ready to take off.


The sky was still gray, and it looked like it was just dawning. The light was not enough.

The man in the bed turned over, as if he didn't sleep well.

After a while, Mu Xiaoxiao slowly opened his eyes.

Conscious, but her gaze was inertially looking to the other side of the bed.

Where is a figure lying.

Mu Xiaoxiao just wanted to relax, but found that the back was a bit wrong.

It seems like ... the body is much smaller.

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