Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2248: Little mad (3)

Mu Xiaoqi whistled, pushed her away and looked for a cell phone everywhere.

"Where's my cell phone?"

Han Qiqing knew that she wanted to call Yin Shaojie, and she got out of bed to help her find a cellphone.

Finally, I found it in my bag on the sofa.

"Little, here."

Han Qiqing jumped back and passed her cell phone.

With a small face, Mu Xiaoxiao called Yin Shaojie's phone.

She was thinking about how angry she was in her head, and she organized and scolded Yin Shaoji.

Who knows, the phone was cut off as soon as it rang.

Mu Xiaoxiao froze.

Han Qiqing was also surprised. What's going on? Yin Shaojie hung up the little phone?

Wow, Yin Shaojie is too brave now ...

And Mu Xiaoxiao didn't think of that.

She knew that even if Yin Shaojie was afraid that she was angry, she would not miss her call.

He hung up her phone, indicating that something might be wrong with him.

Mu Xiaoxiao's heart was instantly mentioned in midair.

Just when she was lost, her cell phone suddenly rang.

Han Qiqing quickly patted her, "Little, it's Yin Shaoxing's phone. Please answer it quickly!"

Mu Xiaoxiao looked back, noticed that it was a video call, and then connected.

On the screen of the mobile phone, Yin Shaojiu appeared.

"Why did you get up so early?" He chuckled softly, and there was a dangling pendant on Junmei's extraordinary face, as if everything was normal, he didn't throw her back to China.

Mu Xiaoqi whispered, "How can you be like this!"

Yin Shaoji said, "You know, I won't let you follow me. I'm afraid you are in danger, but you're obedient. What can I do?"

"I don't want to be separated from you ..." Mu Xiaoxiao's voice was aggrieved.

Yin Shaojie was distressed when she looked at her like this.

"You can rest assured that nothing will happen. I will solve some people and return to you soon. You can just wait for me at home."

Mu Xiaoxiao said angrily, "I said, don't be separated from you, wait and see, I will fly to the United States to find you right away!"

He sent her back, didn't he think she could fly over again?

Yin Shaojie was not in a hurry. "You can't fly, please be good? I have Nemo and Caroline, how can it be?"

"I don't care." Mu Xiaoxiao decided to follow him.

She finished the sentence and hung up the video.

No matter how Yin Shaojie called her, she just didn't answer.

Seeing that she was really checking the flight, Han Qiqing immediately advised, "Little, don't you, Yin Shaojie is also afraid that you are in danger. He is so good at it. He really doesn't need you to worry about him, and he speaks so confidently. Explain. It's really okay. "

Although she didn't know what had happened, she was persuaded to do so.

Mu Xiaoxiao refused to listen and was preparing to book the fastest ticket.

At this time, her cell phone rang and someone texted her.

It was from Yin Shaojiu.

——You don't have to do any work. Your passport cannot get out of the country.

Mu Xiaoxiao froze and became angry.

She called Yin Shaojie and yelled at him, "What hands and feet did you move!"

Yin Shaojie smiled and said, "I know you so well, do you know how you will react? I moved my hands and feet to make your passport temporarily out of bounds, so don't even think about coming here, wait for me at home go back."

Mu Xiao was so angry that he wanted to smash the phone, "Asshole! You asshole!"

Furious at her!

How could he do that!

But she just did n’t believe it. Why did he say she could n’t use her passport, and she really could n’t use it?

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