Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2254: Then you hate me (1)

Song Shijun was also surprised.

Why did it happen so coincidentally that I encountered Feng Shengyang at the airport?

"Where will they go?" Han Qiqing asked anxiously.

Song Shijun said, "How do I know, you ask me, who do I ask?"

"By the way, tell Yin Shaoyu about this. Yin Shaohui knows that he will rush back." Han Qiqing thought of a good idea.

Song Shijun shook his head. "No, didn't Si Jue say? Shaoxi is doing important things and can't disturb him."

Han Qiqing glared at him, "It is important now, or is his business important? Little is run away by Feng Shengyang, and he is not coming back yet?"

"No ... it's not necessarily that he is just kidnapped. Little is so smart. There must be a reason to follow Feng Shengyang. He won't be fooled by him easily." Song Shijun told little IQ and EQ Still sure.

Han Qiqing said depressedly, "What now? We can't find Xiao Xiao, and we don't know where Xiao Xiao has gone. How can we explain to Yin Shaoji?"

Song Shijun is also thinking about this issue seriously.

He touched his chin and frowned.

Han Qiqing pushed him, "Hurry up and find a way!"

"I'm thinking, don't rush."

Song Shijun thought for a while and snapped his fingers, "Yes! With the popularity of Feng Shengyang, people will recognize him everywhere he goes. Let's search the Internet to see if he has any news."

Han Qiqing is not very optimistic about this method. "He is not a walking GPS. Even if he is recognized everywhere, it does not mean that those people are his fans and will post Weibo."

She thought the idea was bad.

Song Shijun glanced at her, "Then you talk about it, what is your good idea?"

"Uh ..." Han Qiqing rolled his eyes.

Song Shijun hummed and said, "Then use my method first, don't try it, how do you know it won't work?"

Han Qiqing agreed.

There is no way but to do so.

So, while they were leaving the airport, they searched for the name of Feng Shengyang on Weibo.

Regarding Feng Shengyang's appearance at the airport early in the morning, there were a lot of news about fans picking up, and a Weibo was not found.

Han Qiqing said, "Look! There's no such thing at all."

"It shouldn't be ..." Song Shijun frowned, unwilling to believe that his judgment was wrong.

Suddenly, Han Qiqing flashed.

"That's right! We shouldn't search for 'Feng Shengyang'. We should search for 'Feng Shao'. Come, try again."

"What the **** is the wind ..."

Song Shijun just wanted to vomit, and saw that she searched out. Sure enough, there was a bunch of news about Feng Shengyang at the airport, all sent by fans.

——For my male god, I always snooze and get up early in the morning to pick up at the airport. The wind is really handsome! Looking at him so close, I found that my nymphosis was more serious. What should I do?

——With the girlfriend to pick up the machine, there is less wind. I accidentally saw that the wind is intimate with a girl. I think the two are a good match, but the girlfriend is angry, saying that the girl is a vixen, grab her husband. Be rational, too. I like less wind, but this kind of like is to hope that he finds the person he likes and be happy together, as long as he is happy.

——Today I was going to fly to Emperor Capital. I bought a cheap flight in the morning. I did n’t expect to encounter less wind at the airport. My soul was immediately hooked away.

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