Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2260: She was intentional (3)

However, the next second, a spoon full of red chili sauce reached out in front of him.

"There is more chili sauce." Mu Xiao novel, dug a spoonful into it.

Feng Shengyang held her, smiling at the corners of her mouth.

"Aren't you eating?"

Mu Xiaoxiao's face was a pity, "I don't eat spicy food, you eat it, eat it fast."

Just wait and see what he looks like.

Feng Shengyang took her chopsticks as she wished, and one of the chopsticks she pinched, half of which was red chili sauce.

Eating such a stimulus early in the morning is bad for the stomach.

Feng Shengyang hesitated.

"Eat, eat." Mu Xiaoxiao urged, waiting to see him suffer.

Feng Shengyang looked at her, her beautiful black eyes glowing, like a child.

He smiled, but put down his chopsticks.

Mu Xiaoxiao regrets, "Why don't you eat?"

"Did you hear anything?" Feng Shengyang asked her suddenly.

Mu Xiaoxiao thought he was deliberately changing the subject, "I didn't hear anything."

"Yes, haven't you really heard?" Feng Shengyang said, standing up and walking to the alley behind.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at him curiously.

The assistant has the same expression.

Feng Shengyang didn't go far, and squatted down in front of a cardboard box.

Then, Mu Xiaoxiao heard the cry of "Meow Meow Meow".

It's a small tit!

Driven by curiosity, Mu Xiaoxiao put down his chopsticks and made a past.

The assistant reacted and followed.

The boss was originally afraid that they would escape the order, and hurried to follow him. Seeing the position of Feng Shengyang, he said, "Oh, that kitten, yesterday his mother and two other kittens were killed It's left alive, but its feet have also been injured, and it should live shortly. "

The boss said, shaking his head back to the store.

For them, this kind of situation is more common, so they don't want to save the kitten, because they can't save it.

When Mu Xiaoxiao heard this, she felt a little uncomfortable.

so poor……

She stepped forward and saw Feng Shengyang holding the little milk cat.

The kitten looks a month old, and Feng Shengyang can hold it with one hand.

It screamed ‘Meow Meow’, with a pitiful cry, a pair of black eyes with unfaded blue film, looking at her and Feng Shengyang with innocent water vapor.

Feng Shengyang said, "Its legs are broken."

Mu Xiaoxiao looked over, and the kitten's right hind leg was twisted.

There was a distress in her eyes.

Just when I wanted to say something, I heard Feng Shengyang said to his assistant, "Check if there is a pet hospital nearby."

The assistant responded, and quickly turned on the phone to search.

"There is one at 500 meters."

"Pay." Feng Shengyang said decisively, glancing at Mu Xiaoxiao.

Mu Xiao's novel, "No more food, take the kitten to the hospital."

The kitten is too pathetic.

She still has the mood to continue eating breakfast.

The assistant hurried back to the store, paid the bill, and led Feng Shengyang and Mu Xiaoxiao to the pet hospital.

Fortunately, the map is very convenient now, and I quickly found it.

However, because it is too early, the pet hospital has not yet opened.

Feng Shengyang frowned.

Mu Xiaoxiao said anxiously, "If you don't open the door, what should you do? Find another hospital quickly."

However, it is so early now that no pet hospital has opened.

Feng Shengyang noticed the recruitment information posted on the door and said to the assistant, "Make this call."

The assistant responded quickly and called in a hurry.

The call was connected, the other party was a woman, and her voice was vague. It sounded like she was still asleep.

"Hey, who ..."

Fortunately, the pet doctor lived in the store.

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