Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2269: Let him come back to me (4)

She had just put her phone on the bed and was in a hurry, accidentally hit her toe on the corner of the table, her face was distorted with pain.

it hurts!

Suffering from the pain, he pedaled to the bedside.

Take a look at the phone, who knows that it was not from Nemo, it was a spam message.

Mu Xiaoxiao suddenly felt annoyed, but on the other hand felt aggrieved, his eyes gradually became red.

Suddenly I missed Yin Shaoxing.

If he was at home, he would feel bad for her and coax her.

What to do, I want to hear his voice.

Mu Xiaoxiao sat down on the carpet, regardless of the problem of being dirty, lying on the edge of the bed and looking at the mobile phone.

Are their operations going well?

Is it dangerous?

She was full of questions and concerns, but no one gave her the answer.

I don't know why, a loneliness struck.

Qi Qing is sleeping and can't disturb her.

So no one was with her.

Mu Xiaoxiao has always been optimistic and cheerful, rarely sorrowful or depressed.

She turned on her phone and watched the video Nemo had just sent her.

The man in the video is obviously strange, but thinks that he is Yin Shaojie, and feels very familiar.

See it again and again.


On the other side, the United States.

The people in the room found Yin Shaoxi keenly and came out with a gun.

But opened the door, but no one was seen outside.

"Strange ..." The man looked around in confusion, but the corridor was empty.

He glanced down at the doorknob.

At this moment, the person inside the door shouted solemnly, "What's going on?"

The man turned back and said, "No one, the door didn't know how to open it by itself."

"It's impossible for the door to open on its own, go out and see! You two go together!"

A few men went out, searching room by room.

At this point, Yin Shaojiu hid in the room next door.

A man opened the door, turned on the light, and came in with a gun.

Yin Shaoyan frowned, staring at the window in front, the wind was blowing, and the screens were flowing.

Although he really wanted to get rid of these people as quickly as possible so that he could return to the little side as soon as possible, at this time it should not be taken lightly.

The hand moved closer.

Yin Shaojiu's dark eyes were deep.

At this moment, there was a loud noise from outside. The man stepped back and heard the voice of his brother and the voice of a woman. Curiosity drove him out of the room.

Yin Shaojie discerned that he walked away, quickly ran to the window, and climbed down the window.

Outside the door, Nemo pretended to have strayed into the second floor, holding her beauty in her arms, looking like she was looking for a place to do something.

"Brother, is it convenient? I just want to find a place where no one is happy, you know." Nemo smiled vaguely and kissed the beauty in her arms.

He yelled, "This is not where you come from, hurry up!"

The beauty shoved him shyly, "I told you all, and the one upstairs wouldn't let you up."

Nemo deliberately pulled her dress down, revealing a seductive ditch.

The eyes of those men seemed to get into her chest.

He said with regret, "There are so many rooms above, it's useless and wasteful."

The beauty caressed his chest and said, "Will we go to the car?"

Nemo held her back. "Well, it's more exciting in the car."

Speaking, he didn't care about the eyes of the men who were staring at the beauties, and took the beauties down the stairs.

Finding an excuse to get rid of the beauties, he went to Yin Shaoji to meet.

Yin Shaoxing said in a deep voice, "I saw an acquaintance in the room ..."

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