Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2272: Miss her so much (3)

So, I had an appointment for dinner, knowing that Ye Sijue would also come, so Han Qiqing also called Song Shijun.

As soon as Han Qiqing sent a message to Song Shijun, he received a bank receipt notice.

She froze and looked at the text on the text message in surprise.

"I ... am I dazzled?"

"What's wrong?" Mu Xiaoxiao found her expression strange, and asked.

Han Qiqing dragged her over and her phone screen was raised.

"Xiaoxiao, look, someone transferred me so much money ... Isn't this a new type of scam?"

Mu Xiaoxiao also felt strange.

"But it's just to lie to you to transfer you so much money? Isn't it reasonable?"

Which scammer will give people so much money before they lie?

Han Qiqing also felt unreasonable.

She said wonderingly, "Who would it be? Couldn't it be wrong to transfer me so much money?"

In fact, this money is not much for her.

It was only that she was feeling shy and owed a small amount of money, so she was so excited to see this money.

Mu Xiaoxiao thought for a while and said, "Otherwise you call the bank and ask."

"Oh." Han Qiqing was about to call and received another text message.

She froze again.

"Little ..."

The voice trembled slightly.

"What's wrong?" Mu Xiaoxiao looked at her.

Han Qiqing had eyes full and looked at her in disbelief and said, "It was the money my brother transferred to me ... it was to replenish me with the latest pocket money, so that I could buy whatever I want, and not borrow money from others."

It seems that her brother saw the circle of friends she sent.

Mu Xiaoxiao patted her shoulder. "Your brother is really nice to you."

Han Qiqing nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

"I'll pay you back later."



Finally no need to be shy!

If her brother was in front, she would rush to hug him and take a few sips.

You are the best brother in the world!

Mu Xiaoxiao said with a smile, "Don't worry."

They bought a lot of things, and were too lazy to carry it all the time, so the driver was sent to the car first.

Han Qiqing is rich, and he started to buy and buy.

It feels good to have money to spend!

Because of the New Year's Day holiday, there are a lot of people in the mall.

Mu Xiaoxiao was tired of shopping and proposed to find a dessert shop.

"We bought something to drink, and we were almost going to meet them with Xiaomeng after drinking."

There are many people sitting on the open-air balcony.

The clerk said sorry, "Sorry, there are too many customers today. Do the two mind the fight?"

Mu Xiaoxiao and Han Qiqing looked at each other and asked each other's opinions.

"I'm fine."

They both said in unison, and then laughed.

Mu Xiaoxiao said to the clerk, "We don't mind."

Anyway, drink a drink and leave after drinking.

But she never thought that the clerk would take them to the table where Han Yuner was.

The clerk lowered his head and asked Han Yun'er, "I'm sorry, because there are so many people today, can I have a table with these two guests?"

Han Yun'er looked a little displeased. No one looked up and found that it was Mu Xiaoxiao and Han Qiqing.

She pursed her lips and said, "Yes."

The clerk said, "Thank you."

Then he signaled that Mu Xiaoxiao and Han Qiqing could sit down.

Mu Xiaoxiao felt a bit stingy when he turned around at this time, so he sat down generously.

Han Qiqing also sat down.

Han Yun'er looked up at them with a smile, and said, "What a coincidence."

Although Mu Xiaoxiao didn't want to answer, he answered politely, "Yes."

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