Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2281: Love Letter to Her (4)

Han Qiqing was startled.

"Hahaha ..." This time he changed a little smile.

Song Shijun was puzzled. "Why are you laughing like this?"

Han Qiqing's face rose, and he stared back at him, "Why are you scaring me!"

Gritted him and gritted him.

Song Shijun is innocent. "I called you just now, didn't you hear?"

"I didn't hear, I didn't hear!" Han Qiqing didn't lose his breath, so he hit him again.

Song Shijun hid backwards and held her back and said, "Qi Qing, you have become more and more rude. Who do you dare to ask you for?"

"I want you to control!" Han Qiqing hummed.

Mu Xiaoxiao held Qi Qing's hand and said to Song Shijun, "Hey, it's not right for you to say this. How good we are, Qi Qing must be liked by many boys."

"Yes!" Han Qiqing nodded cheekily.

Song Shijun jokingly said, "Are you living in your dreams? Wake up soon, and it's dawn!"

"Get away!" Han Qiqing raised his leg, trying to get rid of him.

Yin Shaojiu followed, and the four of them were playing and walking side by side on the school road, attracting everyone's attention and forming a beautiful scenery.

When he arrived at the first high school building, Mu Xiaoxiao separated from them.

After entering Class S, the eyes of the classmates almost focused on her, and all the people who had originally chatted stopped.

Mu Xiaoxiao was a little helpless, and chose to walk into his seat and sit down.

Feng Tianqi and Jun Zeye are not there.

Mu Xiaoxiao suddenly felt a little boring, not even a chat person.

After two lessons, the next one is PE.

Mu Xiaoxiao wants to not go to the student union, but thinks that he promised Yin Shaoji to take a good class, so he forgets.

She is lying on the table.

A girl passing by reminded her softly, "Mu Xiaoxiao, it's time to go to physical education."

"Oh, I see, thanks." Mu Xiaoxiao said politely.

She intends to wait until the end.

That girl is gone.

Mu Xiaoxiao took out his mobile phone, looked at the time, and thought he would go down for another five minutes.

At this moment, a male voice called her, "Mu Xiaoxiao ..."

Mu Xiaoxiao was a little surprised and thought he heard an illusion.

She looked up and looked at the boy standing near her desk.

"what's up?"

The boy looked a little shy, holding an envelope-like thing in his hand.

"That ... I have a letter ..."

Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but be surprised, guessing that he wouldn't be holding ... a love letter?

This boy wants to give her a love letter?


Alas, the courage is too great!

Now the whole school knows that she and Yin Shaoji are a pair? There are actually boys who dare to write a love letter to her, this courage is incredible.

Mu Xiaoxiao supported his chin with his hand and glanced at the envelope in his hand.

Before the other party finished speaking, she flatly refused, "Sorry, I can't accept it."

The boy was still courageous enough to finish the second half of the sentence, but she was suddenly interrupted and held back.

After two seconds, he reacted, shaking his head and saying, "No ..."

Mu Xiaoxiao stood up and said to him very seriously, "Sorry, I already have a boyfriend, so I won't take it."

"No ... you misunderstood ..."

The boy's face flushed and he was anxious to explain.

Mu Xiao's novel, "Okay, just when I misunderstood, you go."

"This letter ..." The boy uttered his words and finally blurted out, "I want you to help me give Qiqing Xuejie!"

This time I changed Mu Xiaoxiao.



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